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1.9k · Oct 2021
The Crow
Thomas Harvey Oct 2021
A red crow came to visit today
He asked for which treasure I seek
I told him Walton's Gold, buried a few clicks past the creek
His eyes were void and he spoke real low: be careful for which you say

I scurried him away and proceeded down the worn out mountain path
An eagle landed on a tree stump and told me to turn back
While I appreciated the laugh, I continued along with his feathers on my back
When I reached the creek, only then did I understand the eagles wrath

A man stood tall with a suit of white
He said "I'll give you all the gold in this clay, if you can answer one question for me today"
I asked for what he had to say
he said "how many times have you seen a crow and an eagle fight?"

A blue crow came to visit today
He asked for which treasure I seek
I told him Rudford's Gold, buried a few clicks past the creek
His eyes were void and he spoke real low: be careful for which you say
625 · Mar 2020
Flames of Desire
Thomas Harvey Mar 2020
The fire's burning higher, fulfilling all of my desires
Men kneel before me, asking for my commands
They stand before me now as soldiers, seizing the neighboring lands
As I sit upon my throne, gazing upon the world
Everything in my sight is mine
All I had to do was leave my old life behind
For the trade was simple: a soul for a soul
Little did he know, I had already made a deal
Earth is mine for a certain amount of time, like water in a bowl
Upstairs they gave me a coin called the doulip
Enchanted with enough power to perform a soul steal
My purpose unknown but my life's work has just begun
527 · May 9
Two roses of red
And one of blue
Neither are prettier than you

A strong shoulder to rest your head
For you I could never deny
There is no question for why

Two roses of blue
And one of red
Just to remind you; love’s not dead
491 · Jan 2021
A Cold Christmas
Thomas Harvey Jan 2021
I was late buying gifts this year
So I put on my coat faced the chilly wind throughout the busy street
Shops on every corner were stocked with sales, but I couldn't help notice the smaller family who held nothing but a tear
This year has been ******* everyone, but for them they looked tore down a bit

Yet through all this it was their little one who would say Merry Christmas to those passing by with a bright smile
For the little one did not see the sadness in his parents eyes, but only the joy in their hearts
At the same time there were still those who came by and judged them, treated them like they were on trial
I stood back and stared, how could we truly be this far in despair, my warm spirt left with nowhere left to start

Further down the cold road, I saw a man stealing food outside the shop a child sat
Clueless to the world around, just happy to spend Christmas with his dad
On the way home, a woman walked barefooted as other passed she seemed so pitiful and sad
Though not one person stopped, she kept walking and still held a smile of gratitude

When I reached home, I sat in my chair and thought of what to say
For I do wish my wife could have a pair of shoes on Christmas day
I wish the kids could see a bright tree with presents and toys
This year may be heard, but it's a little better knowing we can still celbrtate the lord and all his joy
409 · May 9
Winter's Rose
A charred smell of hickory nuts fills the air
I take a step out to clear my head
As I begin to walk, I can’t help but dare
Dare myself to make it through this winter dread

My steps become less and less
For the snow has reached my knees
Yet I continue on, but I must confess
I did stop for a break by the trees

I whistle a tune, as I watch the moon stop hiding
The air is colder and white specks fall on my clothes
But I find it all ever so delighting
For there’s no better place to find a winter’s rose

As I make my way back, I see a light
It shines through the window
I enter with a rose of white
To see her smile, as pretty as a rainbow
400 · Jan 2020
A Sailor vs A Tailor
Thomas Harvey Jan 2020
A 1,000 sailors have nothing against a few well groomed tailors
However a rich man could not last a second in a pile of quick sand
The call to sea is the same as that of a call to a tree
They are both living and dead, Their growth is the giving bread
One serves their master at the bay, the other spends time selling hay
The water is fresh in both cases and both men have seen many faces
A sailor never retires, but a tailor does as such
For when he is no longer a tailor, he considers himself a failure
Yet he continues on, looking for a cause, never taking a pause
Until one day, walking by the shore he sees something so beautiful his eye begin to sore
So he takes his riches, buys a ship, summons a crew, and plans his trip
Heading to nowhere in sight, only to see the beauty so bright
And so the man was once a tailor, he is now a sailor
393 · Dec 2020
The Travels
Thomas Harvey Dec 2020
While walking through the tress one day
I stopped and wondered of life before
How little and close everything was to the core
And how precious words were to the say

Now it's lies that prevail
Truth is buried down below
Dreams die, just as rivers flow
But perhaps the worst is the ones we lose along the trail

Yes, I find many lost souls
My discoveries let them live, how they should be: FREE
For the old cliché, even the blind see
While the ones who stay, search for the loopholes

In reality we're all just trying to buy time
The ones who can't, say life's not fair
The others, well they don't really care
And me, Well I just do anything to make me feel fine
348 · May 12
Seven Seas
Thomas Harvey May 12
The moon, the stars, all seem so far
The lakes, the sea, all call to me
How could it be, how could it be so bizarre
Where is it, where is it I long to be

For I could sail the seven seas
And all would end in misery
I could walk a thousand miles
And never get to see your smile

The birds, the trees, all seem so calming
The air, the wind, all fly around me
How can I, how can I keep from falling
In the abyss that I see

For I could roam the earth
Without a doubt in mind
Knowing that I know what your worth
And so, I could live being blind

The moon, the stars, all seem so far
The lakes, the sea, all call to me
How could it be, how could it be so bizarre
For where, where is it I long to be
342 · May 16
Her Smile
Thomas Harvey May 16
She gives me a look likes it’s all okay
As to her it is just another day
She says we can still keep on being friends
As if these feelings would just end

Is it selfish to think I could not
My heart feels as if it’s been tired into a knot
Yet she smiles like she still cares
But to me it just doesn't feel fair

For I love her, but she must love another
And so, she looks at me as just a brother
Now I have no choice but to accept
Accept learning to live with reject

When she does find the one she wants
I hope that I can be a little more nonchalant
In my head it’s hard to compile
That at one point I was the one that made her smile
322 · Jul 2020
Thomas Harvey Jul 2020
I stopped by an old candy store the other day
The same one my parents took me to when I was a kid
Old man Joe still recognized me as the lad who bailed his hay
We chatted for a little and then he asked for some help unloading a skid

His daughter Tracy of whom I went to school with was already in the back there
She was complaining about how her dad should get new candy to fill all the empty beams
I stayed for another hour or so, we cached up as old friends do, she told me her dreams of being the mayor of our little town. Before I left her Dad asked us what kind of new candy he should get.
Without hesitation we both grinned and shouted Jellybeans.

Something that day must have created a spark, because ever since then I held her close to my heart
A few years later, we had our wedding at the old store, we even ran away after on a horse.
Who could of known a place like this, could leave such a big mark
Perhaps the best part was being asked what he had for dessert, we both smiled said Jellybeans of course.

Today she lives her dreams as mayor, while I run Grandpa Joe's candy store.
We expanded a little and even took up a space for ice cream
We have one on the way and another who just turned four
And although Tracy can't help too much anymore, I have help from our little one, of whom we call Jellybean
319 · May 7
To Live is to Die
His last words; I tried
He last heard; I know

The next day, he saw angels fly
The next week he felt them glow

The years stacked on like fire
The same years he met people he didn’t know

Until the time came like chain on a wire
Until he met the person again, that made his heart grow
316 · May 16
When You're Ready
Thomas Harvey May 16
If I can't love as I should
I'll choose to love you as a friend
That's what I tell myself, as if I could
But that's as foolish as the wind

To stand so close to the flames
The match was struck long ago
I knew I would never be the same
Maybe that's something you didn't know

Or perhaps you expected a change
A moment may arise that sparks new wonder
One that needs no guidance and has no range
Could it just be a fool’s blunder?

The day will come when you are ready
I hope that you'll still remember me
And that it’s me that causes your heat to beat unsteady
So, we can discover what true love should be
315 · May 7
Forever Part 2.
Golden sunsets and skies of blue
All confess my love to you

A small house on a corner stone
Creates a place for you to call home

Steady hands and shaky feet
Is what I get each time we meet

Yet, when I’m with you, I’m as light as a feather
Here’s to a love, that will last forever
314 · Jan 2021
Live for Today
Thomas Harvey Jan 2021
I would like to take a moment to think about the present
To not look forward nor behind
But to enjoy the sunrise and the moons crescent
To see my life's shadow on those who are blind

In this world people make the past present
They scorn with hatred, please with evil
They move any way the choose, treating those of the world as peasants
Those who strike out against, are also strike down until they are weak and feeble

At the same time, there are imaginaries who wish to leave their problems behind
To step on a new earth, where nothing but greatness awaits
They ignore those around them in search of a new find
Through all the loneliness, all they discover is that they fell for the bait

When the two worlds collide, division is created
Yes far more than right or wrong and left or right
What is left is a society without purpose, one that's tainted
While the winner continues ruling with might

The ones they can't touch, are the one who live for today
Those who make the most out of day to night
Who focus on who they are, rather than what they have to say
For they are theones who keep the world shining bright
314 · May 15
Thomas Harvey May 15
Do you think of what could be
And in those dreams, do you miss me
I thought I was ok with how it was
Getting high off your buzz

But now I have come to find
You cannot leave my mind
In the darkest rooms
My desire for you still looms

But I must act as a stranger
To protect myself from the danger
I hope that you may understand
Perhaps someday I can still be your man

Until the day of then
I'll sit and remember when
When two hearts burned for each other
With a love like no other
313 · May 16
Do You?
Thomas Harvey May 16
Do you think of what could be
And in those dreams, do you miss me
I thought I was ok with how it was
Getting high off your buzz

But now I have come to find
You cannot leave my mind
In the darkest rooms
My desire for you still looms

But I must act as a stranger
To protect myself from the danger
I hope that you may understand
Perhaps someday I can still be your man

Until the day of then
I'll sit and remember when
When two hearts burned for each other
With a love like no other
299 · Oct 2020
The Eagle
Thomas Harvey Oct 2020
My friend fly's through the sky
He wears a coat of brown
Sometimes he's gone for awhile, but I never question why
Other times I'll see him right in the middle of town

I do admit I am jealous
For no creature of ours have felt such freedom
He does teach a lesson, that all life is precious
But I'd bet anyone would still pay to be him

Soaring through the skies not a care to think
Drifting to wherever and whenever
Flying so fast you don't have time to blink
And moving away when the leaves turn a golden heather

Maybe the lesson to be learned is the ones he leaves behind
Or on the way back getting lost
Or maybe it's that we don't have much time
I guess the lesson is to live free no matter the cost
299 · May 12
Thomas Harvey May 12
I open my eyes but am blind to the sea
My ears are filled with myths
For no creature could lurk in the abyss
Perhaps I should have paid the fee

The air is denser than it was yesterday
The sun is refusing to shine
And the lonely sea continues to whine
Six more nights till I see May

I try to sleep at day
To be prepared during nightfall
That’s when I hear him call
Five more nights till I see may

I’m getting closer I think
Based on my supply of food
It’s not lot looking to good
One more night, I say on the brink

He waited for me to reach the bay
Where he rose larger than the sun
There I knew I was done
Here I almost made it to May
294 · Mar 2020
Flames of Fire
Thomas Harvey Mar 2020
I see the flames and hear the echos
Ghosts of the past, now rendered gone
The walls crumbled down, the foundation cracked
They say a man died, maybe there were more
For I don't think they were counting souls
They ask who's to blame for this failure of a gecko
Only looking for answers fast, trying to make a discovery before the dawn
The only evidence left is a crown, for nothing else can be tracked
And yes a man did fry, but it was for the untold lore
This case is a mystery, one that will surely turn men into Ghouls
289 · May 16
Burning Bridges
Thomas Harvey May 16
Look yourself in the mirror
Tell me what it is you see
Is your mind any clearer
Has the guilt made you free

Take a step into the light
Is it harder to walk each step
Whys your face beginning to turn so white
Are you finally ready to accept?

The pain and anger held in your heart
Doesn't it burn you up inside
To know you played a part
So go on and hide

Yourself away from your feelings
Go ahead burn all the bridges
But the gamblers still dealing'
And you’re stuck on the ridge

It’s time to face the truth
Be a better man
Go dump that bottle of Vermouth
Lookout into the dam

Face your fears and make that climb
Watch yourself as the fire burns
Time to face the demons in your mind
So, buddy when are you ever going to learn
285 · Mar 2020
Waiting on a Call
Thomas Harvey Mar 2020
I might seem a little rough, Sometimes I act too tough
Well it ain't nothing personal, Just trying to stock my arsenal
I might cuss and fight to much, But I make sure I'm standing there by brunch
This old path I've been going down, Just isn't the same when you're in another town
I wish that I could call, Every time I seem to fall
Is it you or the phone, tell me do you feel alone
Because I wish that I could call you, tell you I miss you, Where it all mess up, cause you took all my luck,
Yeah I wish that I could call you...
I might seem a little rough, Sometimes I act too tough
It's just a face I know, Please don't stop just say go
Ever since I took this fall, Just waiting on you to call
276 · Oct 2020
The Long Ride
Thomas Harvey Oct 2020
On a train bound for Kentucky Bourbon
Sat a preacher, a ******, and a business man
The ****** on his way to see the sand
The preacher prepares for his next sermon

The young ****** approached the man in the suit
He said this may sound crazy, but you look just like my dad
The man asked him to take a seat and talk about his roots
Young ****** told his story, he wound up in many places he believed were good, but ended up bad

As the night progressed the two shard a coherent bond
While in the back the preacher continued praying
Hours later the ****** woke up to the business man, who was unable to respond
They soon arrived to the town and it began to pour down raining

The preacher walked past the business man and the ****** said "father aren't you going to bless this man"
The preacher took a step back as if the ****** had lost his mind
The ****** still confused as to why the preacher wanted to leave the man behind
The preacher said "Son, I'm not sure how to tell you this, but no one else was in the van"

The ****** saw the sign Sunnyside Rehabilitation Center and he knew the preacher was never a preacher, and the business man was never in the van
275 · Mar 2020
The Veteran
Thomas Harvey Mar 2020
I met a man the other day
He was homeless, wore down, and his head full of gray
I asked his story, he responded saying there's no sob here
just a life of brokenness pain and sorrow
He said " Son I've crossed the world n back, killed men for a better tomorrow. But behind all that is where I hid way beneath my flask. My daddy fought in the world war and I in 1967, fought my way to sergeant of platoon Echo Gulf Eleven. I was there the day Kennedy died and yes many of us did indeed cry. War damages us, breaks and tears your soul, it's not till you're back home you realize the real fight is here. Brother's and sisters fighting in the streets, I would rather spend my time here then laying in cozy sheets".
It's been 5 years since that day, since then I gave the man a place to stay, he found his purpose again. Today he inspires change, he speaks to the younger kids stressing the importance of the future. The world is small and crazy one little step and your whole life can be wrecked and one inspired generation left is enough to become the next president.
273 · May 15
I Can't
Thomas Harvey May 15
I can't love you like you should be
I heard these words leave my mouth
As we lay against the pear tree
How could things ever get this for south

Have I turned myself into her
Making excuses for why I can't love
Now my visions a blur
And there will be no white doves

If I could I would, I think
But I know that’s not True
For if she came within a blink
I would join her and leave you

That's the real reason that I hide
That I hope for her tomorrow
While keeping it all inside
Trying to stay ahead of sorrow
266 · Jan 2020
Life Is A Match
Thomas Harvey Jan 2020
Life is a match
To start you need someone to light the match
Once lighted, the fires starts, the match reaches it's prime
The match then burns and slowly starts to dim
The dimness represents our life burning away
When the flame reaches its final flame, the match burns out
The burnt match represents how the life in everyone slowly follows down their own path
Eventually when we have reached our time, our flame burns out as that of the match
The flame dies but the smoke proceeds to carry on
265 · Jul 2020
The Price We Pay
Thomas Harvey Jul 2020
On a dark and cold, winter's night in Omaha
I stumbled into a bar, that was well worth it's scars
The barmaid asked are you here for a woman or to just quench your thirst
I said I'm looking for Reno, he owes me money that was due on the first
She said he would be out in a minute and others were looking for him too
Reno came out with a smile until he saw the badge laying on the ground
He made a good run, but the lawmen had a gun
And ol Reno was lying face down

Reno old pal, why did you run, you know the cops and the law of their gun,
you get to leave and I must stay, it's not too fair, but it the price we have to pay

They ruled it as an accident and claimed that he tripped and fell
He was drinking too much, couldn't see where to walk to
I demanded justice for my righteous brother, they screamed and hollered at me, they said we'll send you right to hell
So I started marching to the ol' corrupt police station to give them a piece of my mind, I laid his picture down and they pulled our their guns
I tried to make a quick run, but the pain in my back could not take it as my body lay face in the ground

Oh Reno old pal, why did we run, we know the cops, and the law of their gun
You got to leave, and now I will too
It's not fair, But it's the price we pay
260 · Jul 2020
Help from a Stranger
Thomas Harvey Jul 2020
It was a cold winters night
Right outside the town of Bridgestone
The place was silent except for the old saloon
A new face appeared just the other day, he spent most nights in there
Some gazed at the fanciness of his clothes
Other scorned at the six shooter on his hip
I talked with him a little, he told me he was moving on with life, searching for something new and bright
He only planned to be here for a few nights, wasn't looking to pick a bone
So I gathered supplies, scurried a horse, and made sure he was gone by next afternoon
The next day is when the platoon came looking for him, I told them, the man was headed just south of Rabbit's Hair
Little did they know the man was traveling north to Letterman's Grove
Let this be a lesson kid, I may not have a story to tell, but this rusty old six shooter and gold is a most generous tip.
252 · Mar 2020
A Man and His Wife
Thomas Harvey Mar 2020
See her standing there, all alone
Watch the tears fall on a faded photograph
She sits there quietly, glancing at her phone
Just to keep her mind away from the laughter

See him standing there, all alone at the bar drinking
Watch the drops of whiskey fade an old photograph
He sits there angry at himself, tells the bar to keep them cranking
As the ***** wears off, all he can hear is her distant laughter

Can't you see they both belong together
It's just a matter of time until they flock their feathers
She sits quieting waiting for his call, as he stands up he tries not to fall
The flashing of the lights and the darkness of the moon

The car that was crashed, is one that won't be forgotten
As He lays in the slums with the down trodden
The man he lost his wife, in the absence of the bright
Now he lives his life, not gazing at anything in sight
For the man is long forgotten.
250 · Oct 2020
Along your Way
Thomas Harvey Oct 2020
The sun rises everyday
And so, it sets every night
The same way a boat docks at bay
Before it goes out searching for light

Though it’s true what they say about fool’s gold
We spend so much time searching we become lost
In this we learn the true treasure is to be bold
So bold you would never know what it cost

As the sun starts to set
Instead of going out, go get some rest
And as the sun rises early in the morning, so it seems so far away
Take leave in your boat, go touring and sail along your own merry way
250 · May 7
I pickup a pen to write
She comes in to listen
These days it’s hard to know what’s right
Except for when her eyes glisten

Long ago I would have left
But time has its way
It’s way of theft, that is
Now I sit here and romanticize my day

Though she is not to blame
Life just in the way of living
Somethings can never stay the same
Others are worth giving

Regrets come and go
Memories stay forever
The ones you love, are what you know
Always remember, nothing lasts forever
249 · Jan 2020
Two Roads Diverged
Thomas Harvey Jan 2020
Two Roads diverged in the woods and I
I took the one most traveled by
The journey was quite strange
As if almost every step I take creates a big bang
The road was full of holes and people collecting tolls
Around halfway down the path, I was stopped by a line
And when I looked at the ones ahead of me they appeared to be blind
As time went by I started to shiver from the cold
I felt anxious and tried to move but my body began to take mold
When I finally broke free, I ran as far as I could
with hopes of getting back to the start, I ended up more lost in the woods
After a while the pain began to fade, so I sat there in shame
But yet no one came, so I made peace and accepted that this is the where I stay
Two roads diverged in the woods and I
Well, I wish I would've have took the road less traveled by
247 · Jan 2021
Thomas Harvey Jan 2021
What if life stopped tomorrow
The sky's were no longer blue
And you never felt no more sorrow

Would you still feel sadness
Or cling to your anger
Though a great mystery lurks in the bliss

The day the seas give rise
And the nights where you feel empty
There where you wasted your time spreading lies

A greater place awaits
Where your actions of today, are washed away
No matter the cost, because in the end it's all left up to fate

Perhaps living is the hardest part
But at least we still get tomorrow
To try again and stay true to our heart
243 · May 12
A Hungry Man
Thomas Harvey May 12
Each night I dream a deep blue sky
A place where only birds could fly
Each morn I lie awake
Wondering who else made that mistake

Many of men I’ve seen waste their dime
Trying to hold and buy back time
It’s a common misconception
Often laced with deception

For a wise man knows, it’s the foolish who ask
And it’s the blind who lead the mass
Many search and few find
But so is the many that falls behind

I myself have seen my eyes full of fire
Burning to know true desire
So where do I fit?
Yet who am I to question it

I could spend a lifetime is search of freedom
Only to be left with a sea full of conundrums
Of each problem to ever exist
And temptations I have to resist

So, I’ve become the fool at hand
While time slips through my fingers like sand
Now it's too late for me to understand
That it’s the devil that haunts a hungry man
242 · May 7
Brick by Brick
Today I lived
Not just once. But twice
Without knowledge to give

I felt many ways of pain
And seen twice the rainy days
So, what was there to gain

I climbed the mountain ranges
Sunk down to the ocean floor
But what was left to change

I grew up quick
For where I came from, you have to
So, I started my wall, brick by brick

Today I learned
Not everything works out
And so, my drive, continues to burn
242 · May 9
Serenity and Eternity
I took a walk with my mom today
It was an old park where I used to play
We sat on the swings for what felt like hours
On our way out we stopped and picked flowers

Before heading home, I went into a shop
It was an antique looking place I used to stop
Everything looked the same, in its unique spot
Who could have guessed I would have missed this a lot

I saw an old friend walking on the street
He looked a little busy for the two of us to meet
When leaving I spotted a penny on the ground
I reached down and flipped it around

Later on, my dad and I went on a drive in my truck
All the gears were shifting fine, so we were in good luck
We stopped at a place we’d visit when I was young
All those times I would sit there and bite my tongue

Yet there was still some sunshine left at the end of the day
So, I went to the lake to pray
When I was done, a bluebird came to visit
But he was gone in mere minutes

Goodbyes have never been easy
But life’s not always lemon squeezy
Yet there’s peace in this serenity
Knowing that I still have all of eternity
241 · May 9
Six Sided
Perhaps I have gotten lucky twice
It’s hard to imagine so
But I’m sure of it, it’s something I know
The same kind of luck like the roll of a dice

The first was knowing you
Of all the places I could have been
Of all the towns I could have wound up in
That was the first of many clues

The second was to love you
Who would have thought that of us
To think if I’d never got on that bus
All my days may have been blue

So perhaps I have gotten lucky twice
It’s hard to imagine so
But I’m sure of it, it’s something I know
The same kind of luck, like the roll of a dice
238 · Apr 2020
The Man on the Wall
Thomas Harvey Apr 2020
I heard a story about a man who lost his fame
He became sad and lonely, stated drinking his bitters away
Some looked, others starred, everyone knew it was a **** shame
Then one dark dreary night, the man fell into the bay

Many gazed, few searched, For they knew the man wasn't coming back
They hung his picture to the wall, the frame was built from his stool
Although his name was unknown, many just called him Jack
The regulars still question his fate, insisting he'd be alive if he wasn't such a fool

A few years later, a filmmaker came to town, He wanted to use the bar in a scene
We started chatting and soon he asked if I was a fan of the man on the wall
I told him the story, He laughed, called an actor in, and to my own disbelief it was the man who looked good as clean
He pieced his life back together, found his fame once again before they left he looked at me and laughed, smiled for a minute and said relax all that happened was a little fall
236 · May 16
The Heart's Clue
Thomas Harvey May 16
In the peaceful hours of the morning
The sun helps provide clarity to myself
Almost as if I'm missing the warnings
Little signs that reflect my health

I think my mind lacks the inspiration to write
More often than not I try too hard
To turn on that create light
It still fails to shine staying on guard

Though the writing is the easy part
conveying what's really important is not
I thought the trick was to speak from the heart
Yet doing so makes my bran rot

Doing so turns into a million different ways
Different ways of saying I love you
I write as if you never went away
Perhaps one day my heart will have a clue
235 · Oct 2020
A New Tomorrow
Thomas Harvey Oct 2020
I write this today, with the knowledge of yesterday
Look past yourself and see the bigger picture
Think of all the ones before who never got a say
And the ones who came out as the false victors

Years of violence and years of war
We choose to ignore for it's already past
But what about the ones who can't because their family's been torn
What about the ones who couldn't make it to the door

A world full of hate
When I look outside I only see the night
For many believe the lies told and take the bait
But what about those who choose to still shine bright

I write this not as a plea but as a calling
For those of you who fell more and are sick of sorrow
To those who stand up and are tired of falling
We are the future, we can choose our fates, more importantly we can build a new tomorrow.
228 · May 8
I Wonder
I wonder, I wonder if
For some, it seems like I’m a myth
I try to stay
But she goes far away

I wonder, I wonder if she knows
And she’s trying to lessen the blow
For I am not quiet
Yet I will not cause and riot

I wonder, I wonder if the feelings the same
Or if it’s only my heart that burns a flame
When I see her, I’m lost
My feet won’t move, no matter the cost

I wonder, I wonder if the feelings will go away
Or will they stay, like a ship out at bay
My timing appears to be late
As she prepares for her date

I wonder, I wonder if
Is true love truly a myth
For I tried to find
But it only leaves me blind
227 · Jan 2020
The Time Has Come
Thomas Harvey Jan 2020
The Time Has Come

I was walking past a coffee shop, where they were playing the news

A local church on there was selling all of their pews

It made enough attention to have everybody nearby to take a stop

Even I became intrigued, maybe they left behind some silver or gold

When I arrived, there was already a line

Many were out standing in the cold

Though one man had caught my eye

For in his arm he had held a feline

I started a conversation with the stranger

Standing across from me at a fire

As time had gone by, he told me each and every one of my true desires.

I stood in shock in fear, but he continued on showing me the future of my life almost bringing me to tears

I asked him why but he had not said another word

Only smiling back, he picked up a dime and proceeded to chant it's time

I turned away from the fire to see people fighting

The church had ran out of possessions to give away

I started to stray further and further away, making my way towards the bay

When all of the sudden a light appeared, so bright I could not see, and a sound of horns so loud I could not hear

When it faded a man appeared standing in front of me

Claiming he's here to bring me home

Though he did not tell me where he was from

Only insisting that the time has come.
222 · May 7
Dear Resident
Each day a letter comes
Each night it goes unread
Sometimes they stack up like moldy bread
But each week they’re burned in a drum

The weather says clear, but the sky’s need to cry
Poison in the air has taken many lives
Even us here have to learn to survive
On planes the bodies are sent back of the ones who died

I try for a walk and see his shadow
I don’t get far but down the street
To an old coffee shop where we would meet
I order a drink and watch the crows

On my walk home, the trees look bare
The concrete is growing strong on the grass
And the flags are all set to half mass
In the mailbox, is a letter from Vietnam; with a slight tear
221 · Apr 2020
Angry, Sad, & Crazy
Thomas Harvey Apr 2020
Hello all and welcome, Today is the day of learning. My name, not important, you'll soon forget it anyways. My work original, Yes but overlooked. For you see it only speaks to me. None past the realm of our eyes can see. Yes I'm angry, Yes I'm sad. Yes I'm crazy, and Yes I too can be glad. I think I'll take a break now, perhaps write another line or two. For the readers is who I owe it to.
216 · Apr 2020
Crys of the Night
Thomas Harvey Apr 2020
I walked out into the Moonlight
Saw him looking back at me
Then I picked up and skipped a rock
Got in my boat heading to nowhere in sight

Then the wind blows harder, through the crashing waves
The sky begins to fade, could it really be the end

I woke up crashed at shore
Planted my feet down and felt the wind blow
May not have a boat left, but I can build a raft
Might not have an engine, but I goat an oar

And the wind stops, through the steady seas
The skies clear and the grass is green

As I reached the land, they ask of where I've been
I don't have the answer you want but I do have a story to tell
Just sit right there, I'll tell it to you, about what might have been

I woke up to the flashing lights
Took a trip down to the water
I dreamed a sailor's dream, then made my way back
To lay in the empty street on this dark and rainy city's night.
213 · May 9
To Catch the Sun
There in the grass fields she lays
Soaking in the orange ambience from the sky
How beautiful it is for a summer day
How clam it is to see the birds fly

No care in mind, no sight to seek
Just the gentle wind
A small kiss to her cheek
Just a reminder of when we were friends

As we move down to the shore
I see the color shift
It’s so dark, but she shines at her core
I become distracted, I become adrift

How could I be ever so lucky
To catch the sun and bring it with
For with her who needs luck
Tell me, tell me is it a myth?
206 · May 9
A Flicker, A Flame
I never wanted any of this
I didn’t see for it
What would I have missed
What more could you fit

Now it’s almost as if I’m blinded
How could anything but you have a prettier glow
Maybe I should resort to being empty minded
Or is it better to know?

When I’m around you I can’t pretend
My walls are down and I’m there stuck
I question if my heart could ever mend
Yet I gamble on fool’s luck

Dreaming of the days to come
Quietly understanding that there may be non
Hoping they won’t leave me numb
Patiently waiting until the day is done

For love is a flick and a flame
Each step leads to a darker night
There is no true one to blame
And so, we become each other’s light
205 · May 7
He looks up screaming why
The noise and lights all flutter around him
The sky is black and the earth cry’s out on the rim
As many others go by and by

For he failed himself again
In the light of the dark, he remains unscathed
His tears are more than enough to fill a car
He steps into the busy street, waiting for his life to end
200 · Jan 2020
The Journey Of A Man
Thomas Harvey Jan 2020
Since the dawn of time, there has been an urge to travel
Through many decades and a few dozen centuries many nations were born
In the early days, most of the roads were paved in gravel
As time went by many fell apart and became torn
Society changed often leaving us crippled in chains
The few that did travel spoke only of the place and not the flight
For they wouldn't even care if the sun stopped shining bright
And so people continued on being mindless brains
As for I, I chose different, leading a path not concentrated on my destination
But rather the temporal zones in between where time had ceased to exist
By doing this it allowed me to enjoy all of creation
For the journey of a man is not defined by his final resting place
The journey of a man is defined by the travels shown on his face
195 · May 12
Thomas Harvey May 12
Where is it you long to be
To be heard, seen, or loved
Or to be unnoticed, a sight no one sees
Hiding away, nestled far in some coved

What is it you hope to find
An answer or a reason
Doesn’t it mess with your mind
Or is it mundane as such another season

Who are you still clinging to
For a fool can be loyal as well
Do they even have a clue
Or are you too afraid to admit you fell

When will the time come
To the point where you don’t waste your life away
In your ears do you not hear the beat of the drum
Or have you run out of words to say

Is it a ramble or is it necessary
Look in the mirror is it me you see
Am I your adversary
Or am I what you could be
195 · May 9
It all seemed to go by so quick
Like the second hand on a clock
It felt so surreal like a tick
All I hear is a click, like tock

The morning of seemed so bright
We said goodbye as normal
And then came the night
When everything felt so formal

There was a knock on the door
Followed by the drop of a glass
But it wasn’t the drop of wine that hit the floor
It was tears for feelings that would never surpass

In a few months she would have been a bride
How is it fair for one to be deprived
What more could I have tried
Now the clock is stuck at 4:45

Time itself knew to stand still
So, each day I take a walk
To a little spot up the hill
And each day I sit and stare at the clock
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