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Zack Ripley Oct 2020
Would you tell me a story?
Something that I've never heard before.
Could you tell me a story?
One that leaves me wanting more.
Won't you tell me a story
About a world that's better than this?
A world where the girl
Gives the guy a kiss
Zack Ripley Oct 2020
I know you like to be alone.
I know you like to do things on your own.
But some day, you're going to want a friend, so I was wondering,
Would you let me catch you
When you fall?
Would you let me be the one you'd call?
Would you let me help you end a fight?
Would you let me be the one
Who texts good night?
I know you don't want to rely on anyone,
But in the end,
Would you let me be your friend?
Jieun May 2020
Would you pull me close?
If i start to walk away
would you let me in?
and tell me we're okay?

Would you dare choose me?
if i ask you to choose,
Will I win against her?
Or would I just lose?

If i ask you if you love me
I know what you'll say,
you really did love me
but your  "love" is not okay

Yes you do love me,
but you also love her
I'm sorry you have to choose..
or else...we're over
Kewayne Wadley Jan 2020
If the world were ending tonight
You'd still make time for me
wouldn't you?
Even if it were all in your head

If the world were ending tonight
you'd still give me the same smile
you always give, right?

No matter the crumbling buildings
& people playing hop scotch
Avoiding the large craters in the earth.

You'd still make time just before
the final impact,
Before we're wiped into oblivion, right?
On top of crumbling cars
& huge chunks of rock.
Even if it were all in your head,
would you still come over & make believe
that everything is alright?

If the world were ending tonight,
would there still be time
to go some place nice,
Even if it were all in your head
Nard Wolfe Dec 2019
If I wrote you poems, would you rewrite it in your memories?
If I gave you songs, would you hum to it while you are listening?
If I showed every part of me, the shattered, broken pieces, would you still see me as one?
Thorns Apr 2019
You got my back
You're there for me
Protect me  
And I, you
You won't let me hurt myself
And I tame your anger
We're there for each other
You'll know if you let your guard down,
And they still fight for you

But would you do the same?
Would you like to hold my hand like, No air could ever pass
Would you like to see in my eyes, No air could get in
Would you like to touch my skin, No air could ever feel
Would you like to hug me more, No air could ever do.
would you please hold me long,
like no air could pass through this...
Would you like to make me feel,
So loved As I feel to be what I wish...
written it as it comes. pl correct me if you think,  i should
shaynespeare Feb 2018
If a clock stops,
Would you still have time?
If matches don't burn,
Would you be my light?
If I'd steal your attention,
Would it be a crime?
If we'd play hide and seek,
Would you still appear in my sight?
Sunshine Jun 2017
Feeling like you can't feel anymore?

Does the moon ever get tired of being surrounded by the stars?
Does the wind ever lose control of which direction it wants to blow in?

Do the seas ever feel dry?
Like the way we feel dead even though we are breathing?

What if the stars want to shut down?
What if the sky decides not to turn blue tomorrow?
What if I was laid deep in the earth tomorrow?

Would you hurt?
Would you hurt like I am?
How many actually care about you?
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