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Everyone is out for a monopoly,
Military, gas, or machinery,
We all want the same kind of green.
But me?
I sure built a monopoly,
But mines of monopolists.
Gotta think a step ahead.
I find myself lacking the ability to find elation
in the parts of my brain that give me satisfaction.
In the parts of the world that are supposed to bring me
whatever the opposite of misery is.
the same way you lack the ability to find brushing your teeth in the morning
anything but tedious.
Because my brain is too big.
Your world is too small, mine consumes all that lives.
As if I was born to vegetate my own existence
and pick the pieces of my brain that hold fascination.
I care less about what you think.
if only I could step out of myself to stop and jot on
my eccentric behavior
the way I express myself even when I eat.
my supernatural way of thinking
and how that coils its way into my connections
with people who are only self-aware when the situation is far from the person
who is mindful of.
Would my analyzation of my core and the outsiders of this world
make me neurodivergent?
Would I be accepted into society because I need therapy?
Would it make me less human if I declined help from another one?
Of course let the person who is qualified on reading others
like a book read me like I'm just page.
Grasp on to the things I can't just understand yet.
Help me understand myself even if you are not me.
It all sounds vague.
let the therapist teach me how to be self-aware and learn a new ability
to not panic as much
the same thing we all care about in the minds of the animals that we eat.
I am not a pig.
I doubt I'm even human at all except the parts of my existence.
I can't even tell you what the world is
but I can definitely tell you what comes from it
and how it rebirthed me.
this may be my best piece lol
Kaiden Mar 4
Following the path
Written ahead
Not realizing
It's all in my head.
Imaginary world anyone?
A poet doesn't lift their pen daily,
It's better to write nothing,
Than force something out.

As well for the fact,
Some things are best left unsaid,
This world is a rocky streambed.
Sometimes you just gotta put the pen down and try again tomorrow.
Tesla stock is up again,
Guess that's good for Elon.

Though I think we're all real sick of him,
And the stink he calls "Musk."
Someday his personal cyber truck will die somewhere far far away and we won't have to hear from him.
Arcassin B Feb 28
AB - ..Baby rejection is protection,
We were never ever the same,
Self awareness and common sense meets logic,
The human brain can only do so much,
Consciousness electrifying beyond universes,
Thoughts racing into better circumstances,
Better choices,
So be mad when its you I would erase, you are a phase,
Don't betray my trust , it could get ugly,
Make up a sob excuse for what you did, waddle like a little puppy,
This world is a joke and when it ends , it still will begin..

A.R. - They say it’s best
To expect the harm
From other human beings.
Its yours anyway
If you ignore it.
Your fate, your fault
Your flaw.

No excuse for innocence
Even if we all
Join this world
With it

**** that.

There’s an obscene
arsenal of barbs
And daggers.
Piled up on the
hardwood floor.

A Battle Royale
In waiting.
But I won’t touch
A single one.
Not even for the shadows.

Cut me down
And I’ll be shorter
But I’ll never be
Anyone but

(Full poem in link)
Carlo C Gomez Feb 26
First God
Then Everest
To the ends of elation

Her eyes in sunflare
An imprint from her light
Heavy and pulling me
The ever after of the hereafter

In that moment I was hesitant

Jente Feb 22
Raindrops keep falling, falling, falling—
like fists on the skin, like words that sting,
like echoes of war we never meant to sing.
But we do. Again and again.

Like it's all we know.
We are born with fire, right?
Hearts pounding, souls burning,
raw, real, reaching for something—
but somehow, we forget.

We learn to wound before we learn to heal.
We learn to take before we learn to give.
We learn that power means stepping on necks,
not lifting up hands.

And it cycles, cycles, cycles.
One person bleeds, another turns cold.
One get's broken, another breaks more.
We think we've built a world,
but really, we've built a cage.

More, we chant. More, more, more.
More money. More fame. More things.
But does more ever mean enough?
Or does it just mean less of us?

Less love. Less truth. Less seeing—
because we are to busy chasing illusions, to look in each other's eyes.
And maybe, just maybe.
The answer isn't bigger, or louder, or richer.

Maybe the answer is softer.
Maybe it's choosing to hold instead of hit.
Maybe it's breaking the cycle—
before it breaks us all.

Raindrops keep falling, falling, falling.
But we don't have to drown.
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