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topacio May 2020
the need
to create
& connect
is strong
this one.
Reappak Apr 2020
Take me on a trip,
where we lay on the bare grass
stare at the night sky
talk to the moon
wink at the stars
Take me on a trip
to a piece of land unknown
away from this life
Where we witness
the wars, the stars fight!
Children aren't meant to know firsthand of the wars that are fought.
They are not meant to smell of
blood and ash and helplessness.
They aren't meant to be ferocious as feral wolves,
snarling and snapping at anyone that dares to get too close.
They are not meant to have bullets for words,
and knives for hands.
They are not meant to taste of loneliness,
much less of fear and gunmetal.
Children aren't meant to dream of loss
and failure
and sheets of blood that rain down
and paint the buildings
a macabre crimson.
Children aren't meant to become soldiers that fight the wars of their elders.
Don't grow up too fast. Enjoy your childhood while it lasts, because you'll miss it when it's gone.
Paghunda Zahid Mar 2020
Screams, screeches, groans and wails,
Brutalities, agonies, torture, and blood,
Tear Gases, pallet guns, bullets and bombs
Humanity sobs, world is falling apart

Kids are blinded
Men are jailed
Women are molested
The old are tortured

Luckily, you have food
Billions are starving
You have a warm blanket
Trillions live under the frigid sky

Dreams are murdered
Voices are  unheard
Wishes are being blurred
Every heart has become graveyard

Sweet melodies step down as Sighs take over the throne
Rainbow of Joy is washed by the deluge of tears
Soul of humanity becomes a pray of endless wild Forest of Wars
Even the Sun refuses to rise above the Plumb, snowy mountains

Yet you say world is beautiful??
For you are at peace….
Come out of your palace
You will see….
Sky painting itself red!
Butterflies renouncing their dreams
Birds with trimmed wings
Blood oceans, barren trees, burnt houses,
Teared eyes, and shattered bodies

Earth is ugly
Earth is savage
Earth is a cage
Earth is a jinxed place
                  (Paghunda Zahid)
nick armbrister May 2021
The girl looked lovely
In her coloured summer dress
A real lady of the sky and land
Her husband was a happy man
He admired his magnificent wife
Then Alderan exploded...

Why wars? A mess of massacres,
hills and ravines of horror, bullets
tearing through human lives, bombs
blowing up bodies that lie on
bodies, torrents of blood pouring
like a river through flooded fields.
And for what? For forever? Why

Copyright 2020 Tod Howard Hawks
A graduate of Andover and Columbia College, Columbia University, Tod Howard Hawks has been a poet and human-rights advocate his entire adult life. He just finished his novel, A CHILD FOR AMARANTH.
Amanda Kay Burke Jan 2020
People start whole wars
The bigger picture unseen
Red flags all ignored
Idk haha
YusufKudsi Dec 2019
Smell of roses used to surround the city,
Now the city hides under the smoke clouds.
Sound of the laughing kids used to be heard around the city, now painful screams echoing in every corner.
We closed our eyes while the city was dying, but their soul raised to heaven while ours died inside our body.
We were sleeping while it was turning into a graveyard,
And now the city of culture became city of ghosts.
Jonathan Moya Dec 2019
The force is another Jedi mind trick
that convinces the soul that all
that is Sith is not necessarily sin
but the whining of a baby Yoda
aware of his Death Star.
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