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kelia Aug 2015
freckly nose and wrinkly toes (from bath water)
sway, "hey it's good to see you again, how long are you in town?"

"three days,"

even if we don't spend every minute together
just a night of locked hips is enough for me

my belly is soft
you grab my waist in the donut shop
you have an eye ****** but i don't tell you
Cassie Jul 2015
memories of summer are getting hazy, but the one thing I’ll never forget is the memory of your arms around my waist, telling me how I was your one and only.
J Harris Jun 2015
With chisel and hammer
I carve the length of your legs
and the width of your waists
and the bend of your arms
and the ***** of your shoulders
until I arrive at your brain
where I reach with chisel and hammer
until I come across your spring
of wisdom and knowledge
your fountain of thought and belief.
Amanda Lee Oct 2014
The air was cold, but your arms wrapped around my waist like a snake killing its prey, and that warmth was enough to keep me from shivering.
You were some kind of imaginary happiness,
but it was okay because I had nothing to lose.
You spoke words of kindness that melted my heart, and calmed the world.
but the difference between you and the world,
is that the world is always going to be there.
Carolyn Jul 2014
So many times I've run away from the man you claim to be.
So many times I've hidden from the man you are.
So many times I've cried over the man you were.
Hidden in those depths,
I wish I knew you were in there.
But no longer can I say I do.
I Love YOU.
Correction, I loved you.
I miss you now.
Not who you are, but simply who you were.
I miss the sound of you voice,
the feel of you murmuring sweet nothings in my ear,
you hands on my back,
your arms around my waist.
I want to say I've moved on.
I want to mean it with every ounce of my being.
I want to believe that you love me too.
That you loved me too.
I miss the way you said my name,
the fact that you called me gorgeous.
The small things you did for me.
I loved you,
and now you're gone.
I just wrote this one, so it's not super amazing, obviously in need of some editing but it's about a guy I loved who is no longer in my life
Faith Aldridge Jun 2014
wrapped around my waist
brush against my forehead
the sweet taste
as he kisses my lips
his hands on my hips
draw invisible numbers
8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
my heart beats the rythym
as his fingers dance within
until the clock strikes 12
the magic is broken and I am
Zechary DeWolf Jun 2014
Just as the stars lay sparkling in her eyes
so does the night's beauty shine
in her smile.
the moon's light dances in her hair and clings
to her like a perfume of
radiance bathes her.

Grace falls on her
as she moves, caressing
my eyes with pure, elegant, perfection.
How can she be compared to anything?

Her legs,
waist, forming the perfect
as they slide into her hips,
and what lies
such womanly accents.

oh, how I long to be there,
where she is.
how I long for her
and long to reveal mine to her in

Nothing hidden,
nothing kept

she does steal my heart with
glance from such
light, twinkling eyes
as they silently say,
"Come and get me"
and I

Oh how I long to be there,
where she is;
to share all our secrets
and to
Scatts May 2014
there's a lot of holes in my life
for example

my waist takes as little space as possible;
a curve is formed in each side
in order to be fitted by
somebody's hands

and i would like them to be your hands

between every bone of my spine
there's a little pause pretending to shape
a path long enough to be toured by
somebody's fingers

and i would like them to be your fingers

when i stretch my neck i find
angles in my collarbones
a piece of architecture to be traced by
somebody's mouth

and i would like it to be your mouth

but your hands hold the curves of other waist
and your fingers wander other road
and your mouth traces the lines of other architecture

and i have all of these holes

and there's a hole in my bed
and i would like to have two

— The End —