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james nordlund Oct 2020
He just gave a great talk at a townhall,
"our country needs healing to restore
our great union from the chaos
and sowing of seeds of division
by the current administration.

While love can't drive out it's opposite,
because love's not a physical force
like what those who abuse use, is,
it can enlighten others to not fall for
heartache, mercenaries for more and their tricks.

"Murphy's law's, if something can go wrong it will".
It became, 'if Murphy can f something up he will',
then, 'Murphy's going to f everything up'.
'An ounce of prevention's worth a pound of cure'.
Our nation needs him, vote early, help GOTV, please.
Thanx for all you All do.  Copy, share as you will.  "To walk in seasons Is to question, A flower is opening", Basho.  Write on.  Have a great day   :)   reality
james nordlund Oct 2020
"We're waking up, Yes it's clear, We're waking up, Dawn's
here, Feel the searing heat of Heightened consciousness
Feel yearning for, Peace and happiness", evolving.

Realize evolution's defining power as
life, growth, consciousness, realizing spirit's flight's
potential, dispel the not-see definition

of it as control through to extinction, earth's death.
GOP's sending special force to polling places to burn
mailed in ballots, intimidate voters, for naught.

Young poll workers stepped up, criminally insane's
time's up, fear doesn't exist, we're alival, ne'er
survival, our grandkids will live, scythe, shiv won't.

Civic responsibility, vote duty, is
being exercised, it's Siamese twin sister,
freedom, will exist, only if you early vote.
Thanx to Happy Rhodes - 'Warpaint' CD, and it's song, 'Waking Up''s: lines in quotes above, used one-time.  Thanx for all you All do.  "To walk in seasons Is to question, A flower is opening.", Basho.  Have a great day   :)    reality

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