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Swoo May 2020
You're my hyper spirit in this pendemic. When tomorrow is uncertain I'm hopeful. Since your bigger dreams make my dreams bigger than I've known them to be. So in this cold  night I'm here thinking about you, as far as you are from me I'm close to you my better tomorrow. ,- My Better Tomorrow.  Sw👀
Swoo May 2020
Without the glimses of you I'm numb! We often C😕nfuse functioning with feeling.
Without the contact of you I function. Though as you and I rendezvou in one frequency. I get to feel I come alive more than I already am. You're the feeling I love the most. - Sw👀
Swoo Apr 2020
You're my universe cause I took time to planet, Lived, Learned and grew things. In that sense we grew each other. And in time ourselves plant new seeds for the next coming generations filled with versions of ourselves. Become a real beautiful family tree full of stories of time.- My Universe. - Sw👀
John McCafferty Mar 2020
Clear the mind
with forms of breath control
Vibrations emanate
Serpent flows in swirls
It curls around the centre line
Seven points along the spine
From base to crown
Varied hues are queued
where energy is key
Use the force
to elevate your qi
(@PoeticTetra - instagram/twitter)
Glenn Currier Mar 2020
Like fingers running across a harp
from shoulder toward feet
I fall deeper into you.
My fingertips pause
here and there in their journey
to feel the sweet vibrations
of your body
and in these small silences
I enter your divinity.
Bhill Jan 2020
Feel Life - Haiku

seek the vibrations
let them penetrate your mind
feel the drunkenness

Brian Hill - 2020 # 19
Can you feel it?
Pixie wings spring
In the breeze
Under the electric leaves

They dance all around
Not touching the ground
Spinning and Spinning
All over

The Electric tree glows
As all the pixies come

I sit and stare
And watch
As the Electric Forest
Tamera Pierce Aug 2019
Soft vibrations
waft through the air and
touch my ears like water on the edge of the pier.
They caress and ******
as if they know that I'm close to shattering my own walls.
I can barely feel them press against my teeth
barely taste the copper laced with sugar as they slide down my throat
and can't even feel them wrap around my lungs.
primordialgirl Jun 2019
far out
in a daze

a bond
that vibrates

with the color
of sand
in the aching
love maze
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