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Payton Hayes Feb 2021
I poured myself out onto you, ink on vellum, your
skin gravelly, your alluring purr as smooth as silk and
soft as velvet, but as you folded me in your arms, my words
were lost like cries in the wind. For once, in a long time, I looked
at you, truly looked at you. I looked past the thin sheen of sweat at your
brow, like the dew on the blades of brown grass in the hot summer mornings.
I looked past the spray of freckles that dusted the tops of your cheeks and the bridge
of your nose, the freckles you loathed so much when you were just a boy because they
reminded you of flecks of glitter. I looked past the blonde locks that ringed your face like a
golden halo. Your hair is longer now, than it was, when we were kids, but I doubt that even
now, you’d let me braid it. I looked past all the little details I’d noticed about you
when we were growing up, and now, I saw a man with amethyst eyes and a
longing washed over me like a wave, pulling me down with the undertow.
I long to know this you as I once knew you, so well, like the back
of my own hand. So, with salt and foam, sweat and ink and in
every sweeping wave, drag me into those lovely amethyst
eyes. If the eyes truly are the windows to the soul,
pour in like a light and flood on the floor. Show me
what you’ve become, because, while I easily
recognize your flesh and outer
appearance, I long to know
you deeper than looks
could ever go.
Sink me,
This poem was written in 2017. It was formatted this way to look kind of like a crystal, but HelloPoetry's text field butchered it and I can't be bothered to redo it, so use your imagination. :)
the every day
things of life
can invariably impinge on
our time to write
were we not immersed
in household chores
or going to a place of employment
there'd be more hours
for jotting down a stylish verse
when our tight schedules allow
the opportunity
we have the quill
out ranging
over the unfilled vellum
those many ideas which collect
inside our inspired heads
due to so few minutes
being readily available
we've still managed
an explanatory rendition
on squeezing
a line or two in
Star BG Jun 2017
Coloring my silence with the inks of divine song I write, whispering to awaken souls. Dabbling in a masterpiece of rainbow delight.
I dance, ponder, and dream making a stage for written word to perform.
My gratitude pours out to readers eyes who gather
as words cascade from heart into a waterfall of graceful prose.
And as I feel peace cradling my crafted verse, I smile bonding with energies to share on a vellum canvas inside forever tomorrows.

StarBG © 2017
Inspired by Sun. She is a master of words beautiful.
Star BG May 2017
I think, the world is a stage with little word people dancing about waiting to be picked up and nurtured.To be danced with, as one listens to their heart. And to be cuddled and given a home on a precious vellum page.

I think, I shall dance all day under sunlight and rain. Expanding my consciousness to ride the wave of life. Come join me won’t you? You like me are the master directors of our own stage.

StarBG © 2017
Thank you life, day, moment for allowing me to be on my precious, sacred stage with breath. It is an honor to be here on earth at this time where a new stage with great backdrops and props are being set in the world.

— The End —