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Austin Bauer Oct 2016
This morning, I went into your home
And hung up all the cobwebs
That I had collected.
I dumped a bucket of dust
All over the floors and kicked it
Into the air, making it hard to breathe.
I smeared the mud from my shoes
All over your brand-new carpet, thinking,
"I've done this before, and I wonder
If he will still forgive me;"
That's when you came walking
Through the door with a broom in hand,
And open arms for this vandal.
ephemeral Jun 2016
I suppose I could plead innocent to this crime,
But that would be lying.
After all, I knew exactly what I was doing
Each and every time I took you apart,
Ripping your self-esteem and sense of security down
With every cruel word I threw at you,
Like a game of darts with your heart as the target.

You tell me that despite having broken up with me,
You can’t possibly forget me because all your demons have my voice.
I suppose you hoped that would spark remorse within me,
And serve as some sort of proof that there’s evidence of what I’ve done.
But darling, I don’t think you understand;
That was my intention all along:
To leave an imprint in your life.

I’ve always been enamored by graffiti on public property.
I suppose destroying you
Was my way of imitating that;
Leaving my mark on something that
Wasn’t mine to begin with, nor to end with.

If it’s any consolation,
I’m not proud of the person I’ve become.
But at this point I’m afraid
It’s too late to try to change.
hey guys sorry for taking so long to upload the second part of this series. i'm kinda proud of this one, though. as usual, feedback is always appreciated.
Thomas EG Apr 2016
White walls blind us
Before we get the chance
To vandalise them

The sun's reflection
Is stronger than us both
And thus, we surrender
Àŧùl Jan 2016
Breaking things is vandalism,
And vandals deserve a 6×9×12 cell,
But what of sportspersons?

They keep breaking records,
Mostly someone else's records,
And sometimes their own.

Shouldn't they be jailed?
Just a naughty thought.


My HP Poem #960
©Atul Kaushal
misplacedpens Sep 2015
i live
for messages strangers leave
on sidewalks
i love
hearts carved into wood
names and dates
that may no longer mean anything

we leave a little piece of our souls
everywhere we go
words i left on a bridge in my hometown
"love a little"
"the stars in my eyes were only a reflection of the fire in yours"
"i pray you see me in your dreams"
Meg Howell Jul 2015
Every day we come and go with the same bad habits hidden behind empty eyes. We litter the world with fake happiness and vandalize walls with angry shouts. When do we make the decision to be happy?
I feel this is a more pressing issue in today's society. As I've grown, I've realized how happiness deprived most adults of the world are. I believe it's time to bring the happiness of an innocent child back.
The lot is vacant,
My lot surrounds
The pavement.
We are not craven.

We'll smash and bash,
A thrill for me,
A thrill for us all.
The authorities are called.
Objects aren't built to last,
Why does it matter at all?

We're on the run,
Fugitives of a chase,
Before imprisonment comes,
We'll mutilate the place.

Originally written 11/12/09
Revised 11/22/14

(c) 2014 Brandon Antonio Smith

— The End —