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Ylzm Jun 2022
you know when you heard right
if you walked in dark night

and revealed the unsearchable
even when it's unknowable

on way unseen in light
unstumbling without sight
K Balachandran Mar 2018
all the time eyes search,
for that one, absolute, truth;
unknown, but right here!
K Balachandran Jan 2017
A sprightly snail crawls,
etching a message as it moves;
cryptic conundrum.
Certain things are unknowable
MsAmendable Apr 2016
I took a class in psychology,
But who could ever hope to know
The inner wanderings of a lost soul,
The mechanisms making you tick,
You, conflicting conundrums and
Cautious contradictions...
You have classically conditioned my mind
To fumble over your chapter,
With your classical ways..
Heuristics never applied to you,
You are Freudian; hopelessly undefinable
And impossibly right
Heuristics are problem solving devices, like a shortcut, instead of taking the long way around
Pep Nov 2015
There is a thing called Forever
it can be a scary thing
it watches you when you wake
notices when you sleep
hears every light whisper
knows every secret you keep
holds in its hands all you love
and at its feet all your hopes
your dreams hang from above
and everywhere it mopes
Forever is unknowable
for Time gave birth to it
because Time loved Uncertainty
so much that they had to be together
K Balachandran Aug 2014
the limitless complex
cosmic ocean dance,
the whole phenomena
deep within is a tiny seed,
one single moment, for ever.

പ്രപഞ്ച സമസ്യ

അനന്ത സങ്കീര്‍ണമീ
പ്രപഞ്ച സാഗരനൃത്തം
ആഴത്തി,ലുള്ളില്‍ ഇതൊരു
ചെറു  ബീജാന്തര്‍ പ്രതിഭാസം.
വെറുമൊരു നിത്യ നിമിഷം.

— The End —