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Silence Screamz Aug 2015
Losing myself in the veil of tears
Uncover me in proximity
11W poetry
Samantha May 2015
Ripping old wounds
Only to reveal the infection
Festering in your thoughts
And spreading to your soul
Unrecognized through the haze
Brought by the darkness
Devouring you from the inside out

But through the chasm
Light finally breaks in
Chasing the ghosts away
Making way for healing
And breaking free from chains

Covered wounds now uncovered
Left bare so others may judge
May empathize
But mostly so that this time
They may heal properly.
Samantha Mar 2015
Don't uncover me
You'll just unleash grief for the both of us
lilpoiein Nov 2014
My mind isn't big enough for an escape
My mind, I am trapped in a disadvantage

Usually my mind is as big as the universe
But my mind, is discourage

My mind, my mind, holding on to courage
Making my way to uncover

Another path of undiscovered
Moon light creates shadows
Yet those ~ some can't be uncover
As the echoes from the hills
It sound's rhyme like the wind
Gently touch to a mortal souls

Solemnity with thousands fireflies
A very perfect space deep inside
Captivated in a moment of silence
Wondering how it all began
As to start pondering~ it's amazing

Waters that flows without an ends
No mask would still the ground
As it uncover the utmost part
To tear the walls that hinder
And the sort of things~ and lies within

How good it is to be found
in a very special place of time
While pondering the words in silence
as my dear heart consume in-depth
That fills my heart and mind

To hear again the echoes
and that lion's whispers
Strengthen the mortal soul's
As it lights over the pavement
then the trumpets above
cover the silence.

So it's more than just  a great day
No hours in it to think about
While the both knees on the ground
The sweet tears it just fall
while I start seen things ahead

Now that it was penned down
Until the presence of our days
Same as you dear friends in present
Found the most fountain of life
As a treasure of a lifetime.
What credits no one's are more valuables  as we become a piece  of instrument of it....

— The End —