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Zack Ripley Jun 2020
Sometimes, I wish my story
Was written with a pencil
Instead of a pen.
To be able to erase
all the bad times,
The mistakes,
The what could've been's.
But in the end,
I wouldn't trade them for anything.
They made me who I am today.
And to me, that's everything.
Another adventure awaits,
On the crisp of your mortality
One last leap of faith,
To set the record straight
Was it worth the wait?
To alter the course of a life
Based on ecstatic escapades of thrill;
A high flying free bird.

For now, the time has come
To lay low for a while
Always knowing deep in your heart
You are way too tired to go on,
That you are counting down the moments
Before you trade,
A short life for a sure life.
Arab Traders excavated
Europe poured the foundation
The New World perfectly framed it
Rest of the races, the finishing touches

This …
Inordinate economic concupiscence
Animated by a violent passion
An extraordinary alteration

Nature convulses
Human dignity reduced to
Color: Black, white, brown, yellow

So ...
The gales storm in
Tearing through, uprooting
Sham of a foundation

Then …
The scale corrects itself
The clock resets
The scheme falls apart

Because …
There is only one humanity
It’s you.
It’s me.
This poem is in response to George Floyd's death and Injustice suffered by people of African descent
Ylzm Apr 2020
Banished to wander the Earth
But rebelled to build a City
Babel was temporary, now COVID19
For worship of numbers makes Money, and Man, god.
Ayodeji Oje Apr 2020
On a rickety table
With battles of syllables
There was a scramble
Where cradle turns rumble

Wants insa-ti-able
Yet we're able
Able to disable
Every evil cable

Enough of this national gamble
The people are in shambles
With trailers of grumbles
For mountains of fumbles
May we not utterly stumble
For the flow stinks like a stable
This is a reflection of a country operating like a banana republic.
Rock, paper, scissors,
and close your eyes
Don't think, don't speak,
but move please.

Within an invisible hand,
who would trade the world in words?
for a life ever long.

Under the sun on the sea-tide
Who would trade the world in words?
  for a perpetuated song.

Somewhere, a child is born 
yet in another, a life is lost­
While someone is making a fortune, 
another person is losing it ­all

Beneath a lonely tower
Who would trade the world in words?
 for a pulpit on high

Peak of a rocky mountain
Who would trade the world in words?
 for the moon over the sky.

One baby was born into riches­,
another into misery
Someone is living in a peaceful land
Yet an­other's land is dawning on war. 

He would trade the world in words.
  for his immortality insured
She would trade the world in words
  for her love still unheard

Rock, paper, scissors,
and close your eyes
When one deals end
another bargain commences  
When if there is wind from the left to the right.

Shall we trade the world in words?
  for fame and fortune 
Shall we trade the world in words?
  —would our soul regress from 0 to 1
 then remain.
. By Angel.XJ 23/01/2020
A circumpolar
walrus to
fit tariff
and a
Chinese auction
was message
in limbo
so raspy
in Hong
Kong with
elevation in
the autumn
of yesteryear
flux this
political story
of trade
and humanity
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