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Georgie Feb 2021
You sold cookies for a living and knew my order well. You'd sneak me free ones and smile a smile only meant for me.

I told you about the boy who thew a vase at my head and you held me and told me you'd never do anything to hurt me. Stupidly, I believed you.

I told my friends about you, my mum about you, about the boy with Hazel eyes who made me laugh and my heart sing and who saw the good in everyone.

You asked me to the cinema and I was so excited, I straightened my hair and did my make-up, something I never do but I wanted to impress the boy who made my heart sing.

I met you outside, you wore a blue shirt and told me I looked pretty as you bought us tickets to Guardians of the Galaxy 2. To this day, I can't watch that film.

We sat at the back and you used my full name to ask me to be yours and even though I hate my full name, I let you and I said yes.
You smiled and in that moment, made me the happiest girl in the universe.

You told me you had tonsillitis and I told you I didn't care and you kissed me and I blushed as you told me you had butterflies and I told you I did too.

We played Air-Hockey after the film and I thrashed you (I knew I would). My dad gave you a lift home, you charmed him, I thought everything was good.

For the next three days, you were the centre of my world and I thought I was the centre of yours.
You told me you'd plan something for my birthday, told me about all the dates we'd go on, told me I was pretty every day.

Until you sent me the text that blew up my world.
I told you that you looked cute today and you responded with,

"I'm not feeling it anymore"

Four little words. That's all it took to destroy us.

A week passed.
You got a new girlfriend and I was left with tonsillitis and a shattered heart, wondering what I did wrong.

I didn't speak for a month, cried so much I thought I'd drown and you didn't even care.

I wonder if you ever cared at all.
It's been 5 years and I still think about this
Dave Robertson Dec 2020
It’s about now that my brother,
like some atomic clock for childhood illness,
gets the annual razor blade throat of tonsillitis.
As much as it’s a pain for him,
has he no consideration for me?
Who’ll be better than me
at playing with my toys now?
Debbie Brindley Jan 2018
I had a little headache
Slightly increasen over time
Nothing really
I'm not fine
My throat is harsh
My ears do sing
with a gentle humming pain
Excruciating is my head
Body shivers
in my bed
Tonsillitis has come a calling
Like a torturis leeching stain
Creeping in  
Your unaware
It's so unfair
Then swallows you whole
In a torrent of fevers, delirium
right down to your soul
Feel like ****
Thank goodness I'm on respite

— The End —