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Erin Esterberg Mar 2019
Today is tomorrow,
For now does not exist.
It passes way too quickly
For anyone to catch a hold of it,
So now is then,
And then is in the past.
Time passes too quietly;
Words are no longer sufficient
To appease the gods that control it.
They decide when time stops
And when it runs away.
Smiling Queen Jul 2019
Yes your absence hurts me,
But your presence comforts me more.
Yes your smile makes me happy,
But your tears tense me more.
Yes your dreams excites me,
But having you in reality makes me blush more.
Yes I know you love me,
But you don't know that I love you more.
I really love you more my shivam..
glass Mar 2019
past tense, more than I
for tensely, I am current
Lyn-Purcell Oct 2018

I cannot pretend to be something
I already am...

There's enough hatred in the world...
Lyn ***
Isabella Rose Sep 2018
There’s a little girl sitting alone,
there's a war in her family,
there’s a war with her friends,
and there is a war in her head.
she wants peace
because all of the wars in her life are on and off
and everything is falling to what she never wanted
what she never wanted was a war
but there is a war that is making her fall to the ground and the ground is only what has kept her standing.
but even at times floors can break and people can fall through.
Because there is a little girl sitting alone,
and there is a war in her family,
a war with her friends,
and there only ever was a war in her head.
And she doesn’t know what to do.
Em MacKenzie Sep 2018
We determined our future in a game of M.A.S.H
but the outcome we could never measure,
and you know what they say about one person’s trash
it ends up being someone else’s treasure.

My eyes are black and blue,
bruising that came from you.
With nothing right to say and nothing left to do.
I sewed my mouth closed, next time I think I’ll use glue.

Her heart strings were pulled just too tight,
they would snap and break with any given pressure.
And she could never hit the notes just right,
but one person’s disdain is another person’s pleasure.

My eyes are black and blue,
bruising that make up shows right through.
With nothing right to say and nothing left to do.
We played every board game but never stopped with clue.

I’ve never been one for odd numbers
unless it’s the number seven.
Numerology really makes me wonder
is there a mathematical equation to heaven?
My birthdate became a date of rebirth
as every year I killed a part of myself,
it’s not that I believed myself to lack worth,
it was just a challenge to see if plastic happiness could bring health.

My eyes are black and blue,
representing every shade and hue.
Like a serene painting of morning dew.
I’ll keep spinning it until it becomes true.

“He was a painter who only painted in red.”
There’s that connection between art and bloodshed.
I hang all those pictures on the walls inside my head,
‘cause they’ll never match the colour of the room with my bed.

My eyes are black and blue,
but even the swelling can’t block my view.
With nothing right to say and nothing left to do.
I’ll have to accept there’s somethings you can’t construe.
Tarik Aug 2018
Isolated I stood at the shadowed corner
illuminated only by the street lamp
across the decrepit road.

Deafeningly silent I sat perched
at the bench awaiting my vessel
to deliver me.

Coyly he drifted into my universe
wearing a cloak and a smile
that would charm a Queen's guard.

Stiff like a board I stared at him
existing at a medium between
the end and the beginning.

Puzzled I was at a loss of how
to approach this drifter and his
exceedingly charming demeanor.

Thunderously my heart thumped
waiting anxiously for my vessel
that could not come soon enough.

Do I dare succumb?
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