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Rhianecdote Apr 2015
Tedium Rare* (unfortunately not)

Tedium Bear (boring you in the cot)

Afternoon Tedium (take it with me)

Tedium and Biscuits (impending fatty)

E.Tedium: Moan Home (Tbh it really is. *It's ****.
We all know the dressin up scene and the end when he's in the bike basket is the best bit)
Cause it's all so ******* tedious at times, even this XD
Stephiia Lee Aug 2014
Life can be long and tedious
But it can also be electrifying and exhilarant
Only if you make it to be
Amitav Radiance Jul 2014
The fundamentals of simplicity is not fathomed
Entangled in the barbed wires of complexities
Simple words sing no more to the yearning ears
Heavy laden words and tedious conversations
Gnawing away at the precious moments of life
Disparity is making the divide in humanity
Thoughts no more in one’s control, all indoctrinated
Confusion and rage seems to be the new found ‘normal’
Wonder why simplicity is consigned to such a fate
Let there be a new dawn of realization, to simply live
Breathe in the fresh era of clarity, with no malice
Simplicity, I pray to thee, turn your gaze towards humanity
pixels Jun 2014
i crave the gentle contempt
of any Someone that won't suffer
the mindless tedium
of People things

*You've never had the thick skin to survive a real love story.

— The End —