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You're not listening to me
Highlighting for the next bullet point
to use in the next arguement.

Left me with the responsibilities
and you still have the audacity to say
"I love you"
within the same conversation as
"I can choose to wake up and not love you anymore"

The last dig you could give me
is the last time I saw you, you were helping my best friend move out and on without me.
You both spun tales to delude from the truth.
A betrayal that extends past the lifespan of our relationships.
All I got was a phone call
"This is the wrong number, isn't it?"
meant for the man who sabataged what we had.
Written about my ****** poly relationship when it was fresh. Both of them ****. Cold as **** despite my endless kindness.
Nature Feb 14
It's dangerous
But gorgeous
Nature's beauty
Filled the minds
Roaring, scoring buzz
Scratching, crawling hum
Soothing whispers of gale
Shadows dance on ancient bark,
Whispering tales of the woods' dark.
Abi Winder Jan 21
i want to run my fingers
along rock carved
thousands of years ago.

i want to feel the same cold
that ancient hands did
under my own.

i want to stand
where history happened.

let it shiver through my body.

feel the ghosts of people
long buried.
long forgotten.

find phantoms
in cobbled streets:
old and hidden.

to listen to tales
lost and buried
beneath city stone.
In the hush of winds,
secrets unfold, Whispers carried on currents, untold.
Gentle voices, like echoes through time,
Speak of lives lived, in prose and rhyme.
Each rustling leaf, a chapter's refrain, People's stories etched upon the plain.
An open hall where prayers resound, Their sacred echoes, forever unbound.
The wind a messenger, weaves its tale, Of love, loss, and dreams that sail.
And as it rushes, then slows its flight, It carries our histories into the night.
Wind’s hold memories, ageless and uncouth.
In their soft murmur, ancient and free, Lies the essence of what once used to be.
Jim Vaughn Jan 14
She bled the day the universe was built,
walking on tissue so broken
she called it art

Broadcasting cryptic wartime stump speeches,
in the morning she picked flowers
and read the part

The tired eyes awaited their salvation,
a release into salted balms
of letting go

But she persisted into the encore,
owning the role forged over a
lifetime ago

Soup lines turned to soup cans in the fallout,
merits grew with city limits
over lost bones

While music trespassed sunken hunting grounds,
mounds of soil and debt would not rest
with plastic thrones

When a hasty destiny came to pass,
and art turned to desperate prayer
she learned to wait

And now her brazen footsteps mark the halls,
the air tastes of tales that once were
hers to make
Lizzie Bevis Jan 5
In rooms where private thoughts take flight,
behind closed doors, in the quiet of night,
remember well this British tale,
that the air has ears that often sail.

Each muttered affliction, each resentful sigh,
may find its wings and touch the sky.
For secrets kept in mortal *******
build nests with beaks that know no rest.

These walls have feathered spies,
and flocks of lookouts in disguise.
Your words, once freed from anger's fire,
may flutter back to stir their ire.

So hold your tongue and guard your thoughts,
nature's lure intends that you get caught,
and the smallest sparrow on the breeze
may carry tales across the seas.

What is spoken in your solitude
will echo in the multitude.
Remember, that birds have ears and eyes,
and are eager to share all across the skies.

©️Lizzie Bevis
A poem inspired by the British Idiom - A little bird told me.
This carries the meaning of receiving information from a secret informant, in this case a bird.
The root source is thought to be from the Bible, Ecclesiastes 10-20:
“Do not revile the king even in your thoughts, or curse the rich in your bedroom, because a bird in the sky may carry your words, and a bird on the wing may report what you say.”
Christy Dec 2024
All the little ponies
Are standing on the hill
Gaze out across the valley
Wild mustang regal and wear
Asks smallest pony to himself
Why magestic am I nere?
No wings to glide along the clouds
Refused legs lean and long?
Nor was I gifted and bestowed
sprouted horn upon my crown

Then jumps nearby a frog to he
and startles neigh a-fright
Upon which he did rear and stomp
Squashing frog among the leaves
And pony never asked again
For perspective gained release.
The pony had friends, a beautiful view, food, and life but was jealous of the mustang and could have had the life of a frog.
Nishu Mathur Dec 2023
Step into to her world, a world where she lives,
Of colours a plenty and flavours many,
A flick of a hand, in measures she gives,
Spices that tantalise, worth every penny.
Red chillies an ounce, turmeric a pound,
Spices scarlet, yellow, in hues exotic,
Peppercorns, cardamoms, whole or ground,
Brown bay leaves, cinnamon, aromatic.
Wonders for the body that soothe and heal,
Nurturing from nature, a stoic promise,
From the choicest gardens, as senses reel,
Fragrance of flavours in sensual bliss.

Within her world, another world entices,
Her voice in sweet whispers has tales to tell,
Magic in dark eyes, the mistress of spices,
With a flick of her hand, she’ll cast a spell.

Written in 2013

( inspired by the title of the book by Chitra Divakaruni)
Nickolas J McKee Oct 2023
Of darkness to unfold,
I know where the boats go.
Tales that shouldn’t be told,
Of souls, demons told, “No.”
Where forth the demons bayed,
No other place love shown.
Forced evil seen and slayed,
Darkness is where I go.
Finding nights of terror,
Tears lingering unknown.
Knowing you of all things,
Let gone, a deathly glow…
Wincing and knocking, no…
A rattle and tattle,
Death dark and all alone…
The wind felt breezed and cold,
The chilling breath spirit.
Not known… till screeching end…
This all too conclude so,
Tales that shouldn’t be told…
Unpolished Ink Dec 2022
A harp that needs no fingers
no hand to pluck the strings
it speaks of love’s betrayal
and ****** when it sings
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