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Kawsu Sanneh Mar 2020
Raise an Inferno against Corona
As if no one cares, but here is a
Solution that is within the flora
Of Darkness.Be bold, never be frail
At this young age. Be strong as we trail
And track those ancestral shrine
Let's wage war against corona
It's is real, let's feel the pain of that
Pandemic. Raise awareness
Who could ponder fearlessly?
To reduce bitterness of the threat
The panic is too much, we can't bear it
How could we bear it?. I am felling it.
That fuster flow in frugal frivolity
Imagine! Who to follow?, What to do?
Which medical measure could you
Follow?, When there large fossil of
Fake news flowing. Be combatant!
Be mentally armed. Be a militant!
Raise awareness against Corona
Raise an inferno against Corona
Stay Home, let it burn from stigma
Let it soul strive in hotly magma
Never be fussed neither be panic
None been bemused. Be that  mic
With the loudest voice from falsehoods
Approach corses with clean immunity
Start it at the grassroots, link society
Let them new the deathly effects of
Corona. Tell them, let them raise an
Inferno against Coronavirus.
The poem is main focus on the pessimist paranoid on coronavirus. There a contemporary fear that arouses through the persona's mind, Which has been clearly manifested in some.
There are also some precautionary measures as recommended by the World Health Organization, The poet Persona in hes awareness stipulates some simple measures as, How vulnerable African countries are to the pandemics outbreaks of COVID 19.

— The End —