That Singular Lego Piece,
When I was younger and
life was just walls...
That where just falling down
around me,
I found something.
A single piece of Lego.
And on it scratched into
it where three words...
Always build higher.
Where my life had been
even at such a young age.
I thought
the only thing walls were,
where ones that crumbled.
But after that moment,
when all I fell upon
where pebbles of lost moments.
That could have built
higher but crumbled, like so many.
That one brick, built me higher
than any singular instant.
And to this day,
I have never looked
at another lower,
or higher than myself.
For ever brick is built on the strength
of another taking the weight
of the one below it.
And without that strength below,
we couldn't build ourselves
to the height we are today.
Everyday I wear that brick around my neck.
Not to weigh me down, but to realise,
that below every brick
is another holding us up
with there strength, and without them
we would crumble.