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Do you pretend that pain does not exist,
That my presence is irrelevant?
Maybe it is not pretend for you.

I'm here looking up at your shadow as
You walk over me and walk alone
In San Diego. The city of my youth my home
Away from home.

You are, that city, my heart away from my heart.
Beating and ebbing as the waves on the sand,
The arteries ache and stretch with the breath of my distaste,

I feel something with you gone.

And with you here. But that's not now because you're there,
Healing and skating and smoking with strangers
And taking pictures to remember being 19
in the tunnels
like the veins heading away from me.

19 lines to describe what eye feel when you ignore
Something you said was unique.

******* Anne. I ache.
I was told that heartbreak was actually a physical pain in your chest but I did not believe them. I was very wrong.
Ravanna Dee Sep 2016
You took your lips,
dipped them in ink.
Then you stole my stories,
and spilled them to the world.

-Ravanna Dee
Gossip is a powerful thing. It can destroy so much of a person.
Pauline Morris Apr 2016
The demons live within my soul
I cut thin lines to let them go
They just make the memories grow
Over and over they make them show

Oh so very long ago
Within my head thier seeds they sow
Over the years They took control
They left me feeling so ******* low

My misery is thier only goal
With every punch I try to roll
The more I take the more they throw
It's really starting to take it's toll

Through my agony they just stroll
Every ounce of happiness is what they stole
They left me in the deepest, darkest hole
Ana S Apr 2016
At the beginning of the week I had money in my drawer.
No there is no more.
Stupid young man.
Can't control his hands.
Needed to search my room.
Looked for the green bills.
******* now I'm broke.
This is very sad.
My brother robbed me.
Just for fun
Maple Mathers Feb 2016
Realistically... It's the other way around.

(All poems original Copyright of Eva Denali Will © 2015, 2016)
Lark Train Jan 2016
At a glance, she stole my breath away.
A word then took my heart.
But I love her for these felonies,
As they are surely art.
Jordan Fischer May 2015
It haunt's me every night 
That Immature primal urge
Ruined my night and for some time, My sight
Unbeknown to all
This broke down my sanity wall. 
Now different as a whole , a poorly lit soul
innocence will quickly drain
Prior excitement seems mundane
You stole the light from my world
I am a monster, I am him
And now, You'll fear the grim
Kale Oct 2015
You were dashing
And I was crying,
But you beckoned me,
To slowly follow,
Into the sea of mystery.
My misguided heart
Accepted you fully
And you kept me happy.
Then you took my soul
And guided me back
To the path of hope.
My savior,
My protector
And my lover,
Stole what was left
Of the shattered heart
And made it anew.
Madison Y Sep 2015
They told me to open up,

So I ripped my heart out

and sewed it to my sleeve
Only to be told that

it was ugly.

I rearranged the valves and the arteries;

Changed its beat,

Until someone told me it was beautiful 
and stole it from me.

I searched for years at every street corner,

In every alley way and 
‘I love you,’

But I couldn’t recognize it. 

I met a man

Prepared to exchange my heart for his,
 but I had none to give.

I stumbled across it one day,
 alone and sitting in a gutter.

It was bare, cheated, broken—

It felt right at home.
MsAmendable Sep 2015
Time is full of ethereal riches
And I, the thief
Eternally whisper my stolen minutes
So time passes me by
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