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Anna Nov 2017
You look up
and see
❅ snowflakes ❅ dance
in the air.
You reach out
to catch them,
but they melt
as soon as they feel
your warm palm.
It's just snowing outside and it's so beautiful, so this came to my mind.
:) < 3
Saheed and sadya Dec 2016
White fairies, glide and sparkle.
Shimmering in beaming street lights, dismembered by howling wind.
Dazzling displays of downpouring snow
From an ashy and charcoal sky above
Peacefully drifts toward the ground below,
Creating serene scenery I love!

The atmosphere on these quieted streets
Seems rather calm in the still of the night.
During the daylight, even your heartbeat
Could be heard if you might listen just right!

Blanketed are these snowy linen lands
With a sheet colored as white as the moon.
This wint'ry blessing is utterly grand,
It's enough to make me slightly swoon.

I've always found the snowfall enthralling,
I choose to embrace its tempting calling!
its that special time between
the winter and autumn
when its sometimes snowing
and there’s no sunshine
to come leaking through
the clouds are thick at this time
I'm lost again
Lost again in the snow

There's nothing here
No people
No houses
No trees

Nothing but white
and me

It's so cold here
Yet I still feel warm

I'm lost here
Yet I feel like I've been here before

I look up
I see a hand
It helps me up

The hand disappears
I see a house
I recognize that house

I reach out
I open the door
I am home

It's warm here
And I feel that warmth

I start feeling cold
I can't feel its warmth anymore

I'm lost again
Lost again in the snow
Story of my life

. Written after depression in September 2010

. Inspired by "Counting the Roses" by Arto Lindsay

"Poetry to me, it's like creating my own microcosm.
A sanctuary of comfort. It was probably, no, it must have been the end of another sad day when I wrote this poem."

- Kimberly Fox, fictional character (D2)

. For my loving family who is, was and always will there for me

Thank you

— The End —