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Anais Vionet Nov 2021
I’m in the kitchen at Lisa’s. Her little sister Leeza enters, her pale, freckled face redder than usual. “Liza is the bossiest sister..,” Leeza says, slamming the cupboard door after grabbing a box of Fruity-Pebbles-cereal like she’s choking the life out of it.

Lisa enters from the hall, her jaw set with tension, she waves her “La Mer” makeup bag, wildly, letting its very existence, there in the kitchen, function as angry exposition. “YOU,” she practically screams and then shaking with outrage, she begins more calmly. “You can’t use someone else's makeup and ESPECIALLY not their brushes!!” She had begun under control but with each word her message grew emotionally.

“I didn’t hurt anything!” Leeza answered venomously back, giving as good as she got.

I lean with my **** against the waist high kitchen island, slowly letting myself slide down to where I’m not visible, into a sitting position on the floor, as the fight quickly escalates.

Have you ever been a guest somewhere, when there’s a sibling fight or other parents start yelling at a friend? All you can do is try and become invisible - or pretend to text on your phone like you can’t hear the turmoil.

I catch a motion out of the corner of my eye, it’s their mom, Karen, motioning me, with a side-bob of her head, into the living room. I quietly, crouchingly exit the kitchen - the fight reaching full, nuclear bloom.

I join her on a white sectional, breathing a sigh of relief. We’re far enough away from the action to feel uninvolved. I like Karen a lot. She's warm, open and always seems to be suppressing a smile when watching her girls. She’s a lawyer. “You’re officially part of the family,” she says, as she takes a sip of coffee, “they don’t fight in front of company.” I grin.

Somewhere just below the tumult, I hear a dad’s deep, male voice, “Excuse me?” he says, and the fight is instantly over. There is a moment of deafening quiet. “It’s NOTHING,” both girls say, a second later, in perfect, synchronized, bored-sounding unison.
sisters, what can you do?
Merlie T Oct 2021
To run as children
Joyous laughs
Fields of green
Surrounded by trees

To slap so vile
Rage and rage and rage

To love and know so deeply
A world only we know
A bond only we hold

Everything in me
Is also in you
To share so much of who we are
How can that be separated?
Merlie T Oct 2021
I feel her spirit in the air
I see her in the light reflected against the trees
In the curvature of the shadow of a leaf
The wind I breathe carries her into me
Now a part of everything
A bond that can't be broken
Sister's a love that can't be broken
Sister's a word that can't be broken
Sister's sharing clothes
Sister's sharing make-up
Sister's sharing advice
Sister's sharing a common ground
Sister's old
Sister's young
Sister's a bond that be broken
Sister's a love that can't be broken
Sister's a word that can't be broken

I love my sister's by blood by loyalty
Sharon Talbot Oct 2021
When we were children
My sister and I rejected
The role of princess.
They were pretty but weak--
Always needing to be rescued!
And we preferred the chiseled faces
The greater command of queens.
We stood on our beds at night,
Wool blankets turned to velvet capes.
And we declared our power
In broad, silly proclamations
Such as “Queen of the Dolls”!
Or Rulers of the Woods
That stretched off to the east
Of our little house,
That became a castle
Guarded by hooting owls
and Baskerville hounds.
Arms outstretched, our capes
Made leaping sparks
And we shouted in our glory.
After tiring of commands
We launched ourselves into the air
And for a moment, ruled the earth,
Suspended above our queendom
Until we fell onto our beds
And laughed with joy,
For were we not landing
On stacks of feathers,
Piled high to avoid a pea,
Laid there just for us?
Memories of fond, brief moments, when my sister and I were transcendent.
Elaenor Aisling Sep 2021
My sisters and I jest
That men never get over us.
We have been named
Muses, angels, succubi, leanan sidhe
But we are les belles dames avec merci
And that is their undoing.
Our breath has left them gasping
With unfilled lungs
We never meant to be their oxygen
But they drink us in like drowning men.

We didn’t ask for this,
But disarming, we are soft enough
For them to float in
Belly up, eyes to distant stars
Singing the sirens song that stirs in our veins.

Behind our teeth rests the love
The world has failed to give them till now
There are holds in the knowledge
that our fingertips find the hollowed spaces,
mother wounds, clefts where trust was carved out,
And they clutch our palms to staunch the bleeding.

We never asked for this,
They cherish the brittle changelings of us
until they are crushed in the coals of our eyes
Eggshell ideals, fragile as egos.
Blown by the sea wind in the strands of our hair
they are scattered, undone.

The distance drifts between, inevitable
And full they turn away to starve
We cut the mooring line
After one too many storms,
And search
For safer
Samantha Sep 2021
The tears flow freely as I remember
Remember all the words said
The casual I hate yous
The kicks and punches
Yet when I stand up again
It happens again
Blow after blow
My once fiery soul
Now has a hole
Caused by someone shocking
Who I never thought would do it
While I try to pull myself through it
Thinking of why
They must have a reason
Yet I continue to draw blanks
Yet I think I’ve done something wrong
They don’t do it to anyone else
I should matter to them
Shouldn’t I?
Hayleigh Jul 2021
Of the 7846,000,000 people
Breathing on this boundless planet
Forcing hearts in homes and gripping life between decaying bones

You are the only things
I am convinced are made of
Every single commendable capability, crammed between honour and stability
Every good intention, of every promise that was meant to be kept
Regardless of whether they were ours to try and keep

You were crafted with the courage of lions
And I’ll never tire of preying on the poachers long before they dare come traipsing through our territories

You love with the ferocity of fire and on the days you fear there’s more smoke than flames and worry the pain may stamp you out, I’ll strike a match on the walls of my heart til we blaze our own trail out the dark

I love you with the loyalty of lightning and it’s devotion to the thunder that echoes between

I’m not one for holding grudges  but I will never forgive the thoughts in your mind for convincing you that somewhere amongst all of the magic that is you, that it is not enough
As if enough has to be earned
As though you need to apologise for the faults that simply make you human and flaws that make you, you
As though you need to be ashamed of the history that formed you and the memories that sowed scars into our skin

I am sorry for the people who tried to convince us our best wasn’t good enough
It was never anything less

I am sorry for the people that laid land mines in our skull and made us believe that heads full of dreams
Really did have nowhere to go
Little did they know.

We are worriers and we are warriors.

So when the self doubt storms you, and your insecurities swarm you
And your anxieties wear you thin
Don’t forget about the armour and ammunition we were born with
Buried deep within

If our hearts do build homes within bones. You are always welcome home to me. ♥️
Jules Leblanc
The sweetest girl ever
Oh, Dearest Jules
You are my only friend
You are lovely as a sister
You are the bestest sister to Hayley

Jules Leblanc
The amazing girl ever
Who is kind, caring and friendly
You are the best person I have know
In my entire life since I was 13

Jules Leblanc
I love you so
Jules, My Dear Jules
You are one of the best
Jules Leblanc
Why, Why, Why
Why does it hurt so hard
Try, Try, Try
Never do get too far

We are all bird just taking flight
Flying from darkness to the light
We want it all before we die
If we come close at least we tried

Careless and Beautiful
Careless and Beautiful
Careless and Beautiful
Careless and Beautiful

We are the Wild Hearts
We are the Wild Hearts
Can't help the way
Way that we are
We are the Wild Hearts

Crash, crash, crash
Do it until we burn
But we don't look back
Cause it's the way we burn
We laugh so hard until we cry
We stayed up all hours of the night
We want all until we die
If we come close at least we tried

Careless and Beautiful
Careless and Beautiful
Careless and Beautiful
Careless and Beautiful
Careless and Beautiful

We are the Wild Hearts
We are the Wild Hearts
Can't help the way
Way that we are
We are the Wild Hearts
We are the Wild Hearts
We are the Wild Hearts
💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖
Wild Hearts
💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖
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