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Dani Jul 2020
The moon rises high in the sky
To the light of day we say goodbye
As the sun goes away
The wolf comes out to play
The man goes away
And the wolf comes out to play
A ***** of flesh it desires
A primal instinct it requires
It runs with the wind
On a hunt for those who have sinned
To eat their hearts full of mud
It's mouth dripping with dark red blood
Sharp teeth and ragged fur
Protection you cannot procure
To the light of day we say goodbye
As the moon rises high in the sky
The form of man goes away
So the wolf can come out to play
Inspired by my daughter playing in nature!
spacewtchhh Apr 2020
Wash your hands
You held his hands too tightly.
Wash your hands
You pushed him hard, now he's free.

Wash your hands
You touched a heart that's not yours.
Wash your hands
You fool, love cannot be forced.

Wash your hands
You played a lot in the dirt.
Wash your hands
You stained through your shirt.

Wash your hands
We have sinned too much.
Wash your hands
Not everything is to be touched.
Sinister glacial dissolution verge
huge jagged icebergs reverberate
nature extemporizing mock sinister
debacle, sans bot mot, braggadocio,

rodomontade, et cetera distinct, ear splitting,
fractal heaving snap, crackle and pop,
cacophonously fabulous, incredulously
humongous, and thunderously voluminous

cleanly cut, and/or jaggedly serrated,
sheared into brittle spears whence
huge packed floes crash into sea
possibly loosing significant tidal wave

irrefutably, evidently and directly linkedin
with global warming, and greenhouse effect
removed at safe distance within my man
cave burrow, which doubles daily asthma

fall out shelter (ideally scrutinizing human
kind imprimatur seated facing an array
of sophisticated computer modules)
such albedo blinding, igloo jettisoning,

and veto wanting phenomena will induce
one to become slack-jawed at ice escapades
exploits of gigantic iceberg expanses
(some the size of Rhode Island)

eerily fascinating, grimly haunting,
yet inherently jarring since such dissent
against he incursion evoked via humankind
invariably spell terrestrially grammatically,

environmentally, and climatologically
dread locked hair raising drama scientist
worth his/her salt could hedge bet against,
asper predicting dire consequences

survival of thee primate perhaps once
exclusive fictional terrain, and silly
raconteur fabrication of keen
imaginative grade school pupil,

which undeniable, lamentable, and
irrefutable data imposes gamut of
meteorological scenarios, none
bode optimal for the human race

as well other innocent flora and fauna
particularly latter plenti full species
directly, whose IdentityGuard under
mined when an I opening illusion

inimitable influx, and inescapable increase
turns out to be no trickery prestidigitation,
loopy hallucination or daddy long legs action
to entertain claque of eager amusing children

who, when said hypothetical boys and girls
reach adulthood will live in World Wide Web
bereft of animal and plant diversity
whereby major metropolitan areas

uninhabitable, though arctic vortex
subjected lands once impounded with miles
thick slabs of frozen water might offer
temperate boot ness esse sea re: loch haven

though at this schlepping shoulder shrug
(physically and chronologically) all odds
viz zit ting future generations only suitable
within the realm of rumination, speculation,
and tantalization.
Alif Imran Jun 2016
Fool me,
I thought I was emitting lighting,
but it was just shadowy water like reflections
of my own inner fear,
building waves of anxiety
crashing down my confident's shore.

Fool me,
I thought I was gliding through the air,
but it turns out that I was just falling
from my consciousness and into the twilight,
shattering hopes and dreams I cared for.

Fool me,
I thought I was demon's favourite,
but then I realized, I am GOD outcast.
Alif Imran Feb 2016
At the harbor of long lost soul,
Waiting for the ship to take me away,
Back to my body,
at the shore of lost hope,
there my body laid,
cover in dirt,
mud and disgrace.
Alif Imran Jan 2016
I need a preach,
I need assurances,
To hold me still,
To built steel’s hard faith,
I’m diverting,
Starting questioning,
And ebbing briskly,
My trust,
Hope’s dwindling,
I’m ruined,
I need a preach,
I need assurances,
To hold me back,
From this fall, I’m falling,
Before I’m shattered,
Broken and sinned.
kyle Shirley Sep 2015
The light beams down from the heavens, but they do not shine there grace on me.
Shackled by the mistakes iv made, careless in the dark, so I can be punished with never seeing the light again.
I miss her
I miss what I once was.
I was unfaithful
A lier
A cheater.
Who would dare want a broken man knowing the truth like that.
Im  foolish to think I had any chance, or hope..
Shes too perfect for me, not her beauty, no. Her soul when it touchs mine.
We danced, and sang in the car.
We played in a shopping market.
Kids finally living a happy life smiling and joyfully loving.
I bow my head, darkness gathers, a grave mistake takes place again and a again.
Now iv told her, I accept my paradise lost.
Can't Ask To Get Salvation

© 12 June 2015 Roger Turner

& Whitney Rix Victory II

V1/ You can't know where you're going,

If you don't know where you've been,

Can't ask to get salvation,

Not if you haven't sinned.

Your intentions are showing,

I've known it since way back when.

You're asking for salvation,

Your destiny is penned.

Ch/ If you want to have a life,

A life, a life of substance,

Have to get on out and play,

If you want to have this life,

Take a chance and make it dance!

And you have a choice today,

Can't ask to get salvation,

Not if you haven't sinned.

V2/ Now I'm not sure where to go,

I am not sure even though,

Said you'll light the way to go,

Still you're not sure where to go.

Tarry around to the end,

Speak of things you can't defend.

Can't ask to get salvation,

Not if you haven't sinned.

Ref/ Can't ask to get salvation,

Not if you haven't sinned.

You're asking for salvation,

Your destiny is penned.

— The End —