Freedom is being able to use my razor.
Freedom is being able to use my razor.
To glide it without caution against my skin; with no interruptions from noisy roommates.
To glide it without caution against my skin; with no interruptions from noisy roommates.
In the warmth of these curtains I am safe.
In the warmth of these curtains I am safe.
I let the warmth soak me in the droplets caressing my skin, washing away the dirt.
I let the warmth soak me in the droplets caressing my skin, washing away the dirt.
I lather myself in the memories of the day as I unwind, the tension fades.
I lather myself in the memories of the day as I unwind, the tension fades.
A smile comes to my lips as I step out of my night time ritual; Showering.
I smile comes to my lips as I step out of my night time ritual; Cutting.
**Freedom is being able to use my razor.