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Odd Odyssey Poet Jun 2022
I hunger for time—
more of which I don't have,
Thirst for love;
but not all would quench it,
Seek a purpose
that isn't labelled at first sight,
Dream of greatest—
in the confines of being simple,
Sin in the several;
seven times a day- consciously

I've done it all-
but in an all still not complete,
I'm incomplete.
SelinaSharday May 2022
Poem Sanged
Daddy.Vibes..(written for someone I know and I feel their pain so)
Listen.. hold me close and not far.. plz. hold me close to you.
Don't reach for me and be too far..
I'm just getting to know you and who you are.
i'm just getting to know you.
Hold me close and not far.
Your the reason why i am who i am.
why some things are the way they are.
So hold me closer.
I want that attention..
Oh must I mention i wanna know you.
I'm calling repeatedly.
I know i don't get answers every time. hold me closer.
But its been way too long.
pick up the phone, your important to me.
and I've waited my whole life long.
To kno who you are mr.
Don't wanna seem desperate
But I'm a part of you, you you and
I wanna get to know you.
Mr. busy busy busy I wanna know who you are
pic up the phone.
I want to hear you talk to me.
Mr. talk to me.. oh I'm still calling you.
Something in my soul.
got me callin you. something in my soul.
got me seekin searching
longin to get to know you.
Mr. Come through..
My Dna has much to say..
its in my soul Mr. see about me..
give a care I pray!

Finding a Long lost pops.
by selinashardaye
Been wondering who's Your Pops.. and get lucky enough to find someone you never thought you would... And your soul longs...
Glenn Currier May 2022
So many “road stories”
from the Odyssey, and Kerouac, to Augustine.
Each rich in emotion and spirit
most of the stories
have the hero hitched to a fellow traveler
to bathe the soul in word and mood
to throb with the music.

I have recurring dreams.
I’m in a hotel looking for an elevator
can’t find my floor or room
or can’t find my car downtown.
I wander streets, and lots.
Are there road stories hidden in these dreams?

Why do I trip, fall
stay misplaced and lost
find only
Merlie T May 2022
I want to be present and
thinking about the world
Not worrying about myself+my mental illness+wellbeing.
Maybe I can find that out in the flowers
My Dear Poet Apr 2022
The things held up
and dangle down
are the things that often
hang around
don’t tie high your hopes
in bids and byes
let loose the noose
and find your ground
M Salinger Mar 2022
Today, I yearn for you.
There is a heaviness in my heart that I try and center as a weight to ground me.
Do you think that's always something we must carry alone?
But today, it threatens to push over anything in its way, gaining momentum with each passing second.

Today, I yearn for my innocence.
For that lightness in my soul that washed the world in hues of pink and possibility.

Today, I bury the girl I once was.
I lay down flowers at her grave, and I cry hot tears of anger and sadness.
All while trying to make sense of the imperfections inherent in life.

Today, I try to heal my heart while making space for yours.

Today, my being misses yours.
Today, I yearn for you.

Not only as company for another lost soul.
But, as a reflection in your heart that is in my image.

Today, I pray you are searching for me too.

We all have moments of confusion,
The right answer, direction, we search to find,
There is no perfect trail, through this life,
With an unknown, amount of time,
Situations, give messages, look, listen, for signs.
Often, we can forget, we are individuals,
Caring a soul inside, during this short stay,
Our spirit and angels, guide us to certain people,
To teach, help our soul to grow, in different ways,
We often make the wrong decisions, choices,
Worrying, what others may think, on different days,
We end up judging many, by clothes, race, age…,
With the right people our soul, gives us the feeling,  
Peace, security, in line, positive vibes, remember,
Never knowing, we must keep exploring, for,
Some live long, others short, lives,
We each, have a limited time.
The Original : Tom Maxwell © 11/25/2021 AD 4:20am
Cerasium Nov 2021
You gave me life
When I lost the will to live
Made me see things
In a different light

Grey fades away
As colour started to blossom
For the first time in ages
I saw the beauty in the world

You brought me back to my fullest
And I took you for granted
And that was my biggest mistake
Cause losing you hurts more than life itself

Not a day goes by
That I don’t wish for your return
It feels like eternity
But in reality mere seconds go by

You are and will always be
The light that illuminated
The darkness surrounding me
And without you I stand frozen

Withering away into nothingness
Becoming like the wind
Flowing gently through the trees
In search of your beautiful light

But sadly the light is lost
And doesn’t want to be found
For I have hurt this beautiful soul
Due to the fear of my own darkness

I broke his trust which he valued so high
And in turn ordered my own death sentence
As I slowly fade into the night sky
The last thing my soul will cry is for his light.
Elm Jul 2019
A man went soul searching
After feeling life's longing
He assumed his soul abroad
On some peak, tied with silver cord
Admitting he was bored sick
He picked a walking stick
After many a walk
He found his stick could talk
'You seek your soul' said the stick
'Why don't you throw me in a creek?'

Having done so I was surprised
Sitting here
It's myself that has arrived.

There is nothing in all things
Unless the soul is participating
kc Oct 2021
I am lost in the never ending catacombs of my conscious
There is no light to guide me anymore
There’s no one to hold my hand
If I just gave up now
Would anyone come looking for me?
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