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Zywa Feb 2023
In stories about

the past we read how people --

looked back at the time.
"Het Bureau - Het A.P. Beerta-Instituut" ("The Office - The A.P. Beerta-Institute", 1998, Han Voskuil), page 598

Collection "Not too bad [1974-1989]"
Anais Vionet Jan 2023
I can get irrationally angry at art, but not science.
Science is just a tool, art can betray you.
Zywa Dec 2022
A scientist fears

not knowing something, he flees --

into a safe niche.
"Het Bureau - Plankton" ("The Office - Plankton", 1997, Han Voskuil)

Collection "Not too bad [1974-1989]"
Isaace Nov 2022
The Human dream became the Martian dream as we slept on our Mars-bound voyage. We could see colonies amidst landscapes pristine, teeming with strange Martian plants discovered post-bloom.

The Martians were adorned with ivory carvings and had surrounded themselves with esoteric paintings of marauding faces. They spoke in strange tongues, switching between Martian and another almost incomprehensibly clandestine tongue of barbaric intonation. And although they clutched sharp, ivory spears with a fierce resolve, they remained docile in our presence, and told us of the vivid dreams they had engaged in as a group prior to our arrival; abstract dreams, tinged with fragmented images of insemination and visitation by the Mars Moth-Man— he who was oil-funded, and had been delivering concrete messages to the people of Mars ever since the first settlers had arrived in the distant past.

But, once we had truly set foot upon Mars— from outside the strange realm of dreams which lives solely within our collective mind's eye— we could not have foretold, our shared dream was revealed to be a sprawling wasteland of jagged rocks and infertile soil.
Mark Toney Oct 2022
Met a physics major at university
I was into her, and she was into me
We hit it off so well we agreed to a date
the beginning was so nice but
the ending not so great!

She was so cheery
talkin' 'bout
String theory, it
left me weary
cuz I didn't want
to talk about

She was so cheery
talkin' 'bout
String theory, it
left me weary
cuz I didn't want
to talk about

After our meal, she said
"let's go for a walk"
When I asked what for
she said, "I just want to talk"
While holding hands, walking
and gazing at the sky, my
romantic mood was ruined
and here's the reason why

She was so cheery
talkin' 'bout
String theory, it
left me weary
cuz I didn't want
to talk about

She was so cheery
talkin' 'bout
String theory, it
left me weary
cuz I didn't want
to talk about

Handwriting on the wall,
it didn't look too good
She asked me to rethink
my position if I could
I considered pros and cons
and I almost acquiesced
But then I realized why
our breakup would be best

She was so cheery
talkin' 'bout
String theory, it
left me weary
cuz I didn't want
to talk about

She was so cheery
talkin' 'bout
String theory, it
left me weary
cuz I didn't want
to talk about

String theory, left me weary, string theory
Sigh, sigh, sigh, sigh
String theory, left me weary, string theory
Sigh, sigh, sigh, sigh
     (repeat and fade)

Mark Toney © 2022
Poetry form: Lyric - Mark Toney © 2022. All rights reserved.
the universe is a claim of a claim
the universe is a claim of a stake
to claim the universe is to direct the universe
the future direct the future
the future direct the stake of the future
the stake of the future is the direct of the future
the stake of the future is the stake of a direction

the universe is a direct universe
the universe is a direct claim
science claim science
the direction of the universe is the direction of science
to direct is to direct science to its claim
to direct is to direct the direction of science
science claim its direction of the universe

honorary is honorary of science
honorary is honorary of a direction
honorary is honorary of a claim
honorary is honorary of a claim stake
in honor is in honor of a honorary science
in honor is in honor of a future science
in honor is in honor of a claim science
my writing is called philosophical writing. i only uses middle ages words,words from the renaissance. for instance words liked gracious,extravaganza,etc... this poem is about a claim of a universe is the direction of the universe. i don’t add capitalization’s on my writing.
GaryFairy Jul 2022
I failed 7th grade three times because I refused to **** wildflowers and press them between wax paper. I also refused to dissect frogs and other animals.

Those wildflowers and frogs were all I had in the patch of woods...where I had to hide.

My science teacher looked just like a toad with a beard. Ms Farley. Vermilion Middle School. Ohio
They talk about the monarch going extinct. I am more worried about the larva caterpillar stage...and the pupa
GaryFairy Jul 2022
In the case of EMP, anything electrical will not work. Cars, phones, homes...guns will not fire. The worst part? Our nervous system and everything else in us depends on the signal from our brains, which is electric. Our immune systems won't work, and disease will take over fast, inside of those who don't believe in wellness. What's worse is that a lot of people will be doing very evil things, because our decisions count on those 10,000 signals per second. Please, clear your subconscious mind and know that your biology is your belief, and that our bodies can either manufacture illness, or keep you well. No disease or cancer are a match for billions of cells that are mini versions of you, and have their own systems like yours. Each cell is more powerful that a germ,but they have to be trained and know how to protect you without that signal. We are not born to be sick. I am living proof. Dr Khan said I'd die if I stopped taking my heart meds. It's been two years and I am in the best shape of my life.
I love you. I truly do. I wasn't in the poetry reading game because I saw myself judging too much, and plus I didn't want any outside influence in my writing. I am trying to get some small funding for this. I saw all of this in dreams and in person when I was young. Please clear your mind and stop believing in sickness. If you want to help others, please get with me and we will do it.
Carlo C Gomez Jul 2022
Patterns of sugarless fairytales:
Field of reeds
Beckoning strings,
Robots in the garden,
Theory of the crows
Favorite lunch spot
Right in front of the window
Where we sit and drool
Our later years away.

Amusement parks on fire,
The new improved hypocrisy.
Amusement parks on fire,
The science of imaginary solutions.
Amusement parks on fire,
The masses in line for the ride.
the air is the dust
the air is the mass
the dust is the pane
the pane is the mass
the pane is the air of dust
the pane is the air of mass
mass is a pane of mass

the air is the chemical
the air is the pane
a chemical is a pane of chemical
a chemical is a pane of air
a chemical is a chemical of mass
a dust of air is a dust of mass
a dust of air is a dust of chemical

intelligent is a air of intelligent
intelligent is a mass of intelligent
a pane intelligent is a pane mass of intelligent
a pane intelligent is a pane air
dust is dust of a air intelligent
my writing is called philosophical writing. i only uses middle ages words,words from the renaissance for instance words liked gracious,extravaganza,etc... this poem is about the science of time,mass,and air. i don’t add capitalization’s on my writing.
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