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Richie May 2019
I have been contemplating for days now or even more.
I even seek for answers from you but all I got was nothing.
I don't blame you for that. You're just being you.
I have reached to the point that I secretly ask for you to stop reaching me out.
And, I blatantly ask for a cool off, a break, a space but you refused.

There's one thing that I am sure of, I don't want to make arguments with you.
Though, the quest lives on and it's getting arduous.
At times, I'd end up crying and felt hopeless.
And, I feel like I'm being subjugated by this quest.
I prayed so hard each day and even ask for a sign that could shed light to all this.

Just this day, an unexpected realization sunk in to my mind.
At first, I thought that I just fell out of love. Subconsciously, my mind was fighting over it.
This what actually prevails, "SELFLESS LOVE".
Often times, you would hear me asking for you to message me in the morning, at noon, at night.
Sometimes you do, sometimes you don't.
But, it's all fair.

I said, "I LOVE YOU" and your consistent response was, "As it should".
Again, it is still fair.
I'm not being sarcastic here. But, I truly understand what you are trying to imply.
You are just expressing your thoughts and what your heart is actually telling you.

I have realized that at this point, you don't love me in the same way that I do.
Though, I know that you truly care about me in which I am very grateful for.
And, it would be very unfair for you to do things that you're not comfortable with.
It is always good to let things flow naturally not forcibly.

You would still hear me saying, 'I love you' and asking for you to message me but it's not something that you are oblige to do.
It's just me trying to be sweet? to be cute? (I don't know how you would take it)
I perfectly understand what "SELFLESS LOVE" is.
I don't worry about the outcome or whether I am giving more.
All I know is that I love you wholeheartedly and I don't expect something from you in return.
..."To love selflessly, makes me feel good and whatever I'm getting, it's always the right amount."
Rintato Apr 2019
Your green skin sun-baked,
Crunchy and crispy.
Gummed rice lay over,
Sticky and mushy.
Orangey carrot sliced thin,
Fishy Fish chopped symmetrically,
Unwilling they aligned
bearing the cacophony of sticky and crispy.

Nescient avocado,
Addle-pated eggy,
joined the jarring combination.
Grudgingly they were rolled,
Trimmed into circular disk.
Melding of those was awry
Heedlessly the dish a masterpiece,
Loved by small and Big
Praised by all.

Whatever things may be,
Bad from the start,
Dont be sad for the end
For it may be different,
From what you expect.
Do enjoy it!!!
eli Feb 2019
gracing the streets,
with her pink stilleto
and a pricy frappuccino—
she barely sips
they can't take their eyes off her,
well, who would?
even i,
i can't.

she has class and elegance,
money, power—
what else is missing?
oh, i know,
the reason i stared at her for a minute.
i just can't forget,
how unbothered she is
when she threw the empty cup
on the ground.
i wonder why
she doesn't use her bills
to buy some manners?
oh wait—
i forgot--
that's not for sale.
Alp Feb 2019
This one
will be a short one
and of course *****
as is said on title
It'll be so much *****
that you can't dare to
whisper it to your partner's ear
while you two were making out
Because this poem
STINKS and it's *****.
Chris Feb 2019
I suffered, so I don't let others suffer,
I was ***** so I don't ****,
I was abandoned, so I don't abandon,
I wasn't loved, so I love you,whoever you are.
I was betrayed, I don't betray.
I wasn't killed, so I **** the filth instead.
What an interesting turn of events.
Rita Sailor Jan 2019
would it be so awful
                          if we were in love
                                               and i was enough
                                                                ­    and you didn't have to go
                        also... did i mention there's beer in the fridge?
Euphie Dec 2018
Let's **** Caesar and call it a day.
Brutus is laughing and Mark Antony is crying.

Calpurnia cries and Portia rejoices.
The people sing and some weep.

Wow, what a great day it is to be a Roman.
one of the most sarcastic poems I ever wrote. Still makes me laugh.
Anya Dec 2018
A dry voice echos
Of course I wear tennis shoes
On the day they’ll grow wet enough
To go squeak
Squeak squeaking around
The shiny white floors

While my dark hair quickly
Becomes flecked with
White speckles

I feel rather
Like a scarecrow
Doing my best to resist
Nature’s whims
Fighting a losing battle
An inescapable fate

Of being blown away
And buried
In the snow
gray Nov 2018
that's so funny
how you played my heart like a piano.

that's so funny
how you hit me like a piñata.

that's so funny
how you laughed at me when i was low.

that's so funny
how i'm standing on my own.

that's so funny
i forgot to laugh.
i put up with the pain because i love it.
The Angry Pencil Jul 2018
Today is the end
The end of Hope
Nothing is ever going to be fine

Today is the end
I've been such a dope
Why did I waste my time

Today I realized
That you are already gone
Maybe you were never there at all

I must have idealized
Together we didn't belong
But deep in love I did fall

A figment of my mind
What I wanted you to be
It really got me in a bind
You had my heart and threw away the key

The question is why????
I knew from the start
The signs were quite clear

Why don't you just die
You've crushed my heart
I've cried a zillion tears

Is it me I hate?
Did I want this hell?
You think I'm second-rate
On my heart an evil spell

How can a person be so cruel
And say the things you say
I guess you're just a tool
If you don't want me why don't you just go away

You claim I can't do anything
Without your useful tirades
I know when your dead I'll be smiling
When we have a celebratory parade

Your maturity is quite delayed
You are an a##wipe
On my kindness, you preyed
But now I'm tired of your constant gripes

You made this bed
When once again the bills went unpaid
Rent time you always dread
Because responsibility you want to evade

I tried my best and more
To make you happy
But now I want you out that door
So my life will be less ******
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