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Daivik Jul 2021
The blue sky
Red blood
And death

Are all that connect us
We are the same
Except you changed your name
Except you lie about your age
We are the same
Except you wear a different mask every day
We are the same
Except you are ashamed of what I embrace
We look completely different
Due to the way you hide your secrets
We look completely different but we are the same
we look completely different but we are the same
Amanda Kay Burke Mar 2021
They say time heals all wounds
Honestly that is *******
Sometimes it doesn't matter what you do
Pain has dug too deep of a pit
There are instances where you lack the strength
Or can't find a foothold to climb
The distance up is just too great of a length
And then what good is time?
Some cuts never quit bleeding
They just slowly run dry your veins
Every day the sting keeps on repeating
Years pass yet the hurting remains the same
Maybe not everyone but some of us have a harder time mending. Me being one of those.
Amanda Kay Burke Mar 2021
They say things must change
With me the whole world stands still
Life just stays the same
Nothing changes when you change nothing
Strying Feb 2021
the call of the void.
I may not speak French,
but I seek the same:
existential freedom,
endless darkness,
eternal peace.
writers note ab mood: I really feel like my anxiety is getting worse despite a week off of school.
There are as many different people
As there are as many different souls.
Not two of them the same.
Still they all look so
very much  alike .
Especially from far,  
just like the stars.
All one
still one of a kind!

Shell ✨🐚
We all are unique in our own way still we are all one kind and yes we look the same!
Giovanna Jan 2021
People are static.
Dynamic are their faces to you
and your position to them.
People never change, their priorities do!
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