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Angel Carstairs Nov 2018
a chubby-cheeked,
little boy
who didn't know how good he had it

a golden-haired,
little boy
who had to grow up too fast

a freckled-faced,
little boy
who thought he was invincible

a green-eyed
little boy
who was never quite good enough

a black-eyed
who used to be the great dean Winchester

a brown-haired
broken boy
who just wants his brother back  

a raven-haired
who just wants their pain to stop
Angel Carstairs Apr 2019
a chubby-cheeked,
little boy
who didn't know how good he had it

a golden-haired,
little boy
who had to grow up too fast

a freckled-faced,
little boy
who thought he was invincible

a green-eyed
little boy
who was never quite good enough

a black-eyed
who used to be the great dean Winchester

a brown-haired
broken boy
who just wants his brother back  

a raven-haired
who just wants their pain to stop
Ken Pepiton Oct 2018
Forwards and fore words are cult if ations, (cultureshapen)
words we would find mean more

than their idle kin dread, (a play)
if we had been reared
starting now

A push from behind,
God put padding for a reason,
Mrs. Marshall said. Second grade.

A word, to the wise, is enough.

That's the clue that leads to leaven,
and a little leaven...
you know, or say you do, of course,
we've known yeast
resurrects in our bread, for eons and ages,
Good Lord.

We know how things work.

If we be honest,
a little bit, we know how things work.
Sayin' hon, I ain't sure I know what honest was.

To tell the truth, I don't suppose anybody knows,
wit'out attention's terrible price,

secret price, only the paid and payer know it, ever.
Sacred makin', sacrifice,

that's a one time deal, for real.

A mortal man can't know until he dies if he unbelieved all his
lies, but his try's are said to give him some -umph,

What manner of men are we that it is given unto us

to be? That is an answer worth paying attention to chase, per
haps. Not, to be or not to be, what choice, before now? You know?

Remember, we asked. Together, we agreed,
that greed will draw us to the treasure,

do you mind my taking greed from agreed and making it work.

it does work. it is an essential elemental,
desire is another word they use, but that gives it more
purpose than greed, and calls for more minding of the process.

Once a reifying action has begun we must maintain our equilibrium,
find ourselves falling, once more, into dis-traction
on life's slipper *****.

Slipper-iness has meaning.
Ask any little princess planning to grease her foot with KY.
It can be good or bad, not good or evil.

Squeeks from the audience, sometimes signal gasps,
as agap is crossed, like a spark,
mnemonical daemonic algorythms, those ain't bad you understand?

The Intelligence in Re-al, 's'no accidental instance of order over chaos that just cain't quit,
that ain't it.
Geeks as you know geeks,
Gates, Jobs, 'nem, A. I. Imagineers,
did not write this algorithm of life, as it turns out,

The Idea of God seems not to have needed help
designing a safeground,
where kids can play.

Sam Harris axed me, vicar-iously, Do you believe in literal
re-sur-rection of some formerly
living thing/ any?

Yes, yeast, I do. It seems dead, only our knowing it's not
and proving other wise de-ifs the possibility it's dead, now alive.

It's like that cat box, Schrödinger has.
Anything is possible, God knows, Jesus even said so,
wit' God, all o'this is possible,
save lying and dying and failing to be good for me.

Living, it seems, is the deed we do
to prove living forever is worthy of trying,
happily ever after, starting now,
if you wish to stay mortal and never know,

you can't.
You know you die, so you die.
that goes on.

It's hell to try that with no triumph in sight.
Alone, especially.
I heard the phrase Jesus Bomb during the JBP/Sam Harris talk on youtube. I thought it might be fun to make one. If you notice, the poems posted here, byme, time as proven flow together onward.
Sam Apr 2018
You can change how you see the world
But you can't change the world
Maybe you can make it better
Maybe you can give up and let her
But only her can save herself
Just make peace with yourself
No amount of love you give can cure cancer
No amount of research will give you the answer
Your only relief is that you tried
That you'd put her first and everything else aside
But can it be really a relief when all goes down the sewer
Can you be satisfied with being a mere viewer?
There is no guide on how to deal with this
Her smile is one of the many things you're gonna miss
Someone write a guide on how to settle the mind and stop the chaos in my heart
Please do it fast, before our loved ones depart...
Sam Feb 2018
Sleepless nights, go away
      I came to your life
     and I’m here to stay
When everything shatters
and feelings start to decay
Know you’re never alone
I’ll head with you to the fray
   With my soul on the line
I’ll **** for you, I’ll fight, I’ll pray
      You’re my precious
I’ll preserve you night and day
I’ll hug the darkness out of you
  hold your hand all the way
    In this cold cruel world
we can be each others’ getaway
   The shoulders to cry on
the resort to seek in bad-day
Don’t let life change your gorgeous self
          don’t just obey
       Be fierce and wild
  own it and make life your play
Cuz even though you been through hell everyday
You’re truly beautiful
you are my sun ray
Simon Soane Dec 2017
Our precision,
the click
of cogs,
knowing what is
and knowing what was;
I recks in the multiverse
from beginning to end
there would not be a chapter when I was not your friend.
Bongiwe Jun 2017
I've never met anyone who lies as much as you,
I wonder if you notice how much you do.
The sweet words that pour from your mouth,
like music to my ears,
untrue I know but so beautiful that I dance to their slow soulful rhythm, so easily pulled in by the sensual click of
your tongue.
You're so good at that,
swiftly moving from one lie to the other,
with abundantly obvious changes in your demeanor,
but me, blinded by your gorgeous exterior
wooded by deceitful sonnets of our love,
and captured by that sparkle in your eye,
I never stood a chance.
Colm Mar 2017
Rolling hills
Golden fields
Left to right
Feet to feet
With every step
Through the wood
They stride away
Towards eternity
Into the deep
The unknown scene
Away from home
From everything
They’ve ever known
Or hoped to be
And with this step
One more has been
Further away from home before
Than he’d ever thought he’d been
God bless your feet Samwise Gamgee
Step onto the road and you will see
The greatest adventure you’ll ever keep
Burning alive within your mind alive
Until the in Havens you reside
And therein find the eternity you seek
For alive and well
You’ll ever be
And beside the bearer
You were meant to be
As a friend against all enemies
And the second set of sturdy feet
Inspired by three words... "Come on Sam"
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