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Reappak Apr 2020
"I'm taller now"
the building said
"I'm older" the tree replied
"A hundred years ahead!"

"I carry humans"
The building spoke
"Provide shelter too!"
Oh dear Mr. Tree! What do you do?

"I bear fruits"
The tree told
"I'm a home to the birds"
Oh Mr. Building! This is what I do

"Ah! I'm stronger!"
The building argued
"I'm made of bricks and stones
Oh dear Mr. Tree! How strong are you?"

"I've lived the storms"
The tree responds
"On me the flowers bloom!
My dear brother! I'm whey stronger than you"

"It's the humans I carry"
The building added
"The ones that planted you!"
Now who's important? Me or you!

"I allow them to breath"
The tree sighed
"I give them fresh air!
Yet cutting me down
Is their very pride"

The building now was hushed
Not a single word
All his pride crushed
Now it felt absurd!

— The End —