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Brandi Clark May 2021
I feel like i spend all my time
trying to paint burning houses
always throwing myself into
these hopeless causes
Driving myself up crumbling walls
and wasting all my paint

Now my world only spins
in shades of monochromatic
my colorless eyes
looking oh so dramatic
what i wouldnt give for a
heart attack or severe fever
just so i could feel something

Ive got a reckless tounge
and a destination addiction
speaking words i wish i felt
in all these different positions
just waiting for the flash flood
to carry me somewhere new

But everywhere i go
its just the same old ****
the sun stares me down, i run
happiness is not worth it
so ill lock myself inside
this half a home
untill my sane abandons me
Andrew Layman Sep 2020
and breathe in the sour mange,
tread marks etched into asphalt.
what can it be?
what was it before?
only the smell of tomorrow.
I guess---
we'll never know now
why it tried to cross the street.
dichotomous Aug 2020
the disease turned the sky gray
and our forests into highways
stained the passing cars with blood
with those who continued along old paths
while the rest of us hid anticipating the hunter
M Vogel Oct 2019
The level of internal honesty
within each of us

hinges  solely
around the exact nature  
of the  alliances  we have made

with others..  at work
even  with our own selves.

and the need for security-
killers on the road
Brandon Conway Jun 2018
O' poor frog
flatten, grotesque and dried
with a bit of bone glisten white
You remind me of

I too have jumped in front of a speeding car.
Don Bouchard May 2017
Two screaming cats
Claw their way  
Up the high road,
Wild eyes flashing
white and Red
white and red

Glad I am home,
I sigh a prayer
In wondering
What roadkill
Waits to feed
Incessant screamers
Southward streaming terror.
F White Sep 2016
I mourn for skunks.

The squashed, flattened masses
***** mashed, their stripes scattered
Matted  masks disguising unseeing eyes
Through how many fields have they run?
Once sweet babies, small noses, downlike fur
fleeing to their final place from green leafed bowers in a terrible act of asphalt bait n' switch

Let us all grieve the sacrifice which,
Unto the motor gods
Has been served.
Copyright fhw 2016
Pauline Morris Apr 2016
Standing at a fork in the road
Which way should I go
To the right
Keep putting up this terrible fight
Straight ahead
All the time wishing I was dead
Or to the left
So mournfully bereft
I see only darkness either way I chose
There doesn't really seem much to lose
Maybe I'll just lay down here
Like in the headlights a deer
Oh I forgot I was already hit
That is why here I sit
Already road ****, just waiting to die
Under the darkening sky
Guess I could limp off, but at what cost
I'm one of the lost
With no way home
Through this life alone I roam
Humans are not ment to live that way
It makes for the most sorrowful day
So here I stand at the fork again
I've been here before, and I know everyway is grim
A country lane, which eats animals, earrings and experiences,
winds in spools around the oat-house and follows the broken wall.

My sister’s bottle green jeep made waves along the hedges,
she shook out her hairband and the conversations of the evening.

An owl asks on all sides, and would seem to answer himself as
the field barracuda, the vast wide eye for the minnow-mouse.

She put a pearl in the bushes, dangling spit-like,
an orb, a moon-berry, full and dead forever.
She drove faster, as the english night slowed down,
down by the where the willow covers the road sign.
She killed a badger,
as if they had both lost something here.

crisp at the curling edges
he’s a dark patch, like a fixed pothole.
his bones tested her michelins in the morning
again, glassy eyed, stillened,
retroflective and blind to the shimmering shadow of flies
rising up through his skin like a spirit.

But both her ears are full.
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