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Mark Wanless Nov 2020
fell to earth a day ago
bounced back up on purpose
no job is to bad
i am retired
Flatfielder Nov 2020
Sore knees resting
On the round table's top
Imagine suggestions
No worries about a crop
An empty glass without a rim
Staring at me
Pushed aside with a grin
Energy levels rise
After playing quite a many
Old rock videos
They are in my guts
Make me want to go
On that bike trip
Wind in my eye
Bug just missed
Masha Yurkevich Mar 2019
I'm retired.
I was tired yesterday
and I'm tired again
Macgyver Dec 2018
I look back to when I retired
most of life till then perspired
put foot to rear and not get fired
incurred recurring tasks till tired.

Work every day, enduring each
for sixty five years to reach
a one in two chance beseech
one dozen left to enjoy the beach.

Though now there are long naps to take
avoiding chance lest body break
choke down pills and limit cake
extending time for old times' sake.

So retire thoughts that make you wait
make the leap, don't delay fate
take anew each day, each date
moment to savor, cherish, create!
The calm after the storm
The waters have stilled
Time for reflection
Time to be filled

Too much time for some
Weighing heavily on their hands
A novel thing but unwelcome
As they wish they had more plans

Time together
Dramatic and fraught
Sped by, yes,
But them it overwrought

Yet they yearn for this time
As separated they are bereft
Unable to live apart
Unable thus to rest

The solution elusive
The outcome unknown
What to do for the best?
Best leave them alone.
BSeuss Dec 2017
Dogs are extrovert.
Cats stay inside.
Roses seek attention.
Violets just hide.

I once wanted to change the world with intricate words.
But this small poem, gives me all I've dreamed on earth.
Dream Fisher Aug 2017
I quit my job today
it's like gaining a beautiful freedom,
Wouldn't you say?
To wake up, In a world free from the clock in, clock out
I didn't leave a note, I just walked out
Honestly, I'm smiling with no doubts, no regrets
Even more honest, it's been five minutes,
I haven't even gotten in my car yet.
And I haven't had a chance to dissect these decisions.
I got a wife and son at home, they don't even know,
I don't even know what I was thinking,
Sit down for a minute, I'm getting blurred vision.

I'm taking some time for myself today,
Those bills can stack like dominos,
They fall, I didn't plan to pay them anyway.
I'll play these video games and become a legend,
Sodas will pay me to represent them
I'd be a sellout in a second, that isn't even a question
Just as long as I don't need to get out of bed, then I'll be fine.
It's alright, keep telling myself, it's alright.

I retired from my job today,
I gave my title away
What will I do without this purpose?
What is there, now, for me to seek?
I'm trying not to freak out
Honestly, my nerves are shot, my brain feels so tired
Even more honest, I'm driving home to try to explain to my family
That really I just got fired.
Paul Butters Sep 2016
Ease your way into the day.
Being Mindful is the way they say.
Focus on Now, we don’t have long.
Meditate or sing a song.
For ten long years it’s been pipe and slippers (without the pipe),
And Ages have passed since we were nippers.

Slowly we all fade away,
For time cannot be held at bay.
I wonder what it’s all about,
There has to be another way out.
We die like flowers according to science,
There is no alternative to our compliance.
We may or may not be ruled by God,
But so long as I live I don’t give a sod.

Easy days and a set routine.
Do my best to keep my house clean.
Nice pub lunches four days per week,
A peaceful living is all I seek.
You may say I’m set in my ways,
But I’m contented in my twilight days.

Paul Butters
Sean Hunt Aug 2016
When I see you
Memories are stirred
Breath is heavy with a flood
And it sort of looks like love
But I don’t trust this anymore
I’ve been here so many times before

You make me want to dive
Once again
Into that hedonistic heaven
Where we’re surrounded by
And drowning in our senses
A place where there’s no sound
Anywhere around
There is where I’d  love to live
A little while with you
You seducing me
Me seducing you
And nothing else to do

Nowadays I’m older
The hair that’s left is grey
And I like to sleep a lot
Each and every day
I’m quiet
I’m retired
And I’m feeling free
But I have these memories
And now fantastic fantasies,
All because of you

Breath is heavy
Heartbeat fast
While I wonder whether,
I may have left
The best ‘til last

Here is a Youtube video link for this poem:
I do not often respond to females this way, these days, in my older age.  This lady is an exception :)
Julie Grenness Nov 2015
Retirement and the remote control,
This sounds like a whinge in an ode,
Retired men and remote controls,
Includes, "Who gave old men phones?"
Is this what 'golden years' meant?
Defensible violence to retired men?
You'll be getting good manners for tea,
And not much more from me!
Don't you go T-Rex on me!
I want a  turn on that remote control, please,
You've turned into  a sook and a toad,
My 'golden years' whinge in an ode.
Feedback welcome.
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