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Nat Lipstadt Oct 2021
I read to find inspiration.
I write to restore candor to the mind.

N. Scott Momaday


Find Inspiration:
a phrase that diodes light, a one-way current within,
making me a selectman, “of thee I sing, of thee I write,
of thee am I composed and fodder for thy dissection &
”my decomposition.

a phrase that reads me more than I read it,
jumps onto my ontological eyeballs, a great leap
forward, and I suppose humdrum you could call it,
inserted inspiration

Restoring Candor:
thus begins expiation+ excoriation+ exhumation;
a longish road to candor restoration, where plausible
deniability is denied, Jedi verbal mind tricks are
just in movies, and candor is really “can-do(r)!”
no one dare say that
for fear of being laughed at,
a cancelled jingo-lingo-patriot.
Wed.  Sep. 1, 3:28PM
found this in my scrap file, can’t recall if used but!
Laura Nyro asked me to rhapsodize and rap upon it.

Who could refuse her?
The rush and exhilaration
Pain and annoyance
All these frustrations
Have you once felt it?

Each time I've felt
Like I was the only one trying
The glue of this relationship was me
If I stopped, would it crumble?

A glance in a while was enough
Short conversations were joyful
But even now those are gone
I ask myself, how can I still love you?

— The End —