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J Lobo Dec 2021
You who left me in
this here storms of your making
Dead yet or shall I bury?
Descovia Feb 2021
I never wanted to leave

I will never be free

The light is calling to me

For me to have peace...


My mind runs deep as the ocean, thoughts are tides filled with memories that slowly merge it's way through the sand, but still existent within the water.

Ocean of sadness, I hear you sing so beautifully! Feeling every part of me, sinking and drowning into semantic memories. The tide pulls in my mind. Drifting away, to escape the pain and miseries.
I sought vigorously to become immortalized in your heart, where my home suppose to be!

Diminished of my energy. Eventually this will be the end of me. This is not temporary, if you could truly see.

Terrors in my heart surfacing. Ocean. Sea. Hear my plea. Please set my burning soul free!!!

Thank you so much for your well being, knowledge, protection, dedication to survival, unlimited appreciation, patience and understanding to my growing light as well as demons surrounding us!
(@clairastudillo on instagram)

This collaboration wouldn't have been possible without you.
Sally A Bayan Dec 2020
(A series of couplets, from 2014...edited)

Though I AM fast like an arrow,
i hear, even your silent bellows,

for, I AM the COLORED ARC above your cloud
when heavy rains are no longer around.

I AM THE LIGHT...i melt and clear the gloom,
when gray days seem to be spreading doom.

I AM your  ARMOUR, your SHIELD,
when you're without strength, and stilled,

when you feel weak...when moments are bleak,
i prop you up...and when you're unable to speak,

I AM your VOICE, your WORDS, your ECHO
your guide flying by...I AM your SPARROW.

I AM the reason you are calm and mellow
I AM with you, in waters deep and shallow

I AM both your RAINBOW
.......and your SHADOW

I   AM    A L L
That can make you WHOLE.  

I am with you, here, there, everywhere
all times...and that means, FOREVER.


©Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
   (from June 13, 2014)
December 9, 2020
(an old poem, posted June 2014...edited)
Kids who get bullied in the alley
In school and kicked out of college
Try making it to a league of good writers
As they learn how to punch the keys and I just bleed on paper
Also, letting out the anger
My dad never drank or smoked
But, he loved me a lot
Maybe, I was a bad kid who never loved anyone before
Because I never was treated well in school
One fine day, I stayed after school
Losing to my friends in a fist-fight
After a few years, I got into psychedelics and misfortune
Kept reading in the meantime
Barely processing all those drugs
Let alone the literature
Soon, I started a career as an underrated writer
Influenced by Hell and it's angels
Talking to myself, and making clouds of thoughts in my head
I thought I wouldn't be the only angel head who would become a poet in this day-and-age of hippies and world leaders
So, I wanted to be an author as I kept writing out my epitaph while figuring out nothing
Quite like India without the politics
I never liked mixing the two
It should just be country and God
I always believed God gave me my folks
I gave myself my life and my mess
It was titled mess.
Ryan Joseph Mar 2020
are fading
slowly by slowly,
forcing ourselves
to remember something
may just exhaust

it could be
to forget
even though
it's something
'cause there's no
of remembering
when they've already
memories are special,
but they are kind of useless when everything has went into astray.
Little Bear Mar 2020
i don't think he knows
how much
he fills my

his movements
have made themselves
at home

he makes me want
to push back
the furniture

just so
i can watch
him dance
Extravagantly exorbitant mentality panacea
Pretentious eidetic’s ubiquity mnemonics
Extraversion embezzlement extortion mens rea
Endergonic laconic cacophony phonics

Preterite rendition enclitic equilibrist motion
Mystic symbiosis dharma spiritual sky
Brusque macabre abjections the gist of the potion
Straight up forever ontology on high

Obdurately abstruse vituperatively vociferous
Juxtaposition apparition myriad avarice
Orotund sonorous diction obliquitous
Multifariously versatile nefarious nemesis

Mirador bartizan phantasmagoria aesthetics
Guidon gyration excursion integration
Sorcerous alchemizing interstitial endemics  
Chaos charisma objectified tribulation

Conjurous apothegms clitoral apomixis
Exude emote surrogate extrapolation
Astral projection littoral hypotaxis
Kinetic supremacy homogeneity gravitation

Coercible coalescent cohesion dexterities
Adjunct conjunction conjecture acuity
Platonic pragmatic prosaic austerities
Extemporaneous impromptu innuendo fortuity

Propinquity habitation harbinger spectra
Perplexing paradox tenacity rostra
Intensely cogitational abstract mantra
Penumbral exigency , umbrage per contra
Theoretical incursion grandiloquent ne plus ultra
Exogamy of homoplasy sic itur ad astra
Quiescent serendipity surreal anestra
sic itur ad astra
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