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Kashish Lahrani Jul 2020
Strolling down the bridge I was,
As I witnessed a day of dappled seaborne clouds
A sudden clash of wind caressed my cheeks
The sky turned into shale grey, and I knew the rain has come

I got the first splatter of rain
I looked for a tree to hide under
But I also couldn't resist dancing in the rain
Despite the mild lightning and thunder

I got drenched, I got soaked
I felt every splash that touched my skin
As the droplets fell onto the ground, the sound seemed melodious
That reminded me of a heartfelt croon.

Scintillating beams of light broke through the clouds
After a heavy yet, soothing downpour
The flowers got covered in dewdrops, the tiny droplets fell off the grass
And I cherished the musty petrichor
Kelsey Apr 2020
I wish
I could just take a break
An end date.
Always think about when my time to myself will be over. I wish there was no end date.
sked Apr 2020
Smoke it up cool cat
Lie back in the chair
Light a cig and breathe-
In the warm tobacco-
Taste flavors of tar, menthol-
And happiness
Feel nicotine travel
Through the branches-
Of veins
Watch the opaque smoke
Dwindle in front-
Dip head forward-
Get that scent in-
Eau de cig

Coffee finally arrives
Put out the cig
Ground plant into-
Burning ashes-
Pinch the cig-
Pour in cream-
Stir with cig-
Gettin’ the crusty-
Embers into the-
Golden nectar-
Of the gods-
Around around it goes
Drink it up
Is the rough gravel-
On your tongue-
Ground coffee or ash?
azzan Mar 2020
The anxieties of life, of self-worth, of good health,
Do overwork the mind, to rather grave lengths.

Set in overdrive, your fears, your failures, and your stress,
Yet, too blind to realise, to pause, to confess,

Your extensive efforts, to please, to cater to and satisfy the rest,
'Til, you sit down, grasp and digest life's one true test:

"To set aside, your worries, archive them on a shelf,
To set aside the time, to make it nice, for Yourself."
for more, follow @azzan.juma on instagram!
Emily Mitchell Mar 2020
Kindling a purr...
Stroking the cat's back softly
Contentment ignites.
Anyone who's ever touched a happy cat knows how incredibly calming the sound and feel of a rumbling purr can be... cat jumps in your lap you scratch in just the right place for long enough to get one started and there you have it!... instant relaxation for the small price of playing bed and masseuse to another creature... X'D

*w* heehee... I'm pretty proud of my wordplay in the title... X'DDDD
Chandy Feb 2020
Pray for a break from the day to day
Before I decay
The world is in a rush
Sudden flush
Young boy no care in the world
Teenager begs for a dreamworld
Adult finds comfort in civil life
Elders pray for a decent afterlife
In between the busy weeks
I wish to feel the sun on my cheeks
Cold drink freezing my hand
Looking toward my promised land
Then the sun quietly sets
I sit in silence with no regrets
Stare at the night sky
A beauty I can’t simplify
Of course, this is a mere thought
Haven’t quite yet hit the jackpot
One day I’ll be on the roof
On that day I’ll feel bullet-proof
One day I’ll enjoy my youth
On that day I’ll face the truth
One day I’ll be an adult
On that day I’ll still exult
DT Brewer Dec 2019
I feel like I don’t have a care in the world

As if I am a young child

I am free like the cloud blowing in the wind

The pit in my stomach is gone

My body feels like it is sinking deeply into the earth

The minutes seem to go by in slow motion

Every sound is becoming more distant

My lids are getting heavy

I roll into my warm cocoon

My subconscious takes over and I let go
This poem is dedicated to every person that struggles with anxiety and insomnia. ❤️
laura Dec 2019
Here I am waiting.
Waiting for Christmas break,
waiting for peace and happiness,
waiting for relaxation,
waiting for time with friends and family.
It will definitely be worth the wait.
I know this *****, I'm just really bored. Hope you all have an amazing Christmas!
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