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ellie anaïs Feb 2018
She downed wine bottles to the last drop,
Smoked cigarettes like her life depended on it,
And took her good night’s sleep in the day
Until streetlights become her sunrise.

She never thought about tomorrow;
For her, there was only today.

She didn’t believe in yesterdays either,
Because every time she woke up
Last night’s memories become blurs
That she could not make sense of.

Sometimes she smelled like a million dollars,
Sometimes like morning breath and alcohol.

She was like a thought passing by–
Within arm’s reach but still intangible.

Strangers line up to unwrap and taste;
She is savored for a moment,
And forgotten the next–
Another flavor confused with many others.
She gave pieces of herself away like candy,
And sometimes I wonder
If she still has enough of herself left.

Maybe she does.

Maybe she doesn’t.

Maybe she looks for pieces she could use
To fill her hollow gaps
Every night she goes into town.

She was the blooming child of “Maybe” and “Why,”
Wilting, but still alive,
Still taking in the air
Even when it reeks of tobacco,
Still taking in the water
Even when it’s mixed with alcohol,
Still living in the now while she can.

Maybe “now” is all that she has left,
And maybe she doesn’t know what to do with it.
all I've got is now and I don't know what to do with it
sophia sacal Oct 2017
You were the delicious taste of sin,
Resting softly upon my tongue,
My ***** lips savoring the profanity of you.

I swallowed you in one drink, finally
Erasing all that once pervaded my mind,
Blissfully clearing my conscience of all your evil.

I made myself be the proud sinner,
Conscious and rebellious
Against the god that made us.

Not you, honey.
Mikayla Smith Apr 2017
I think you’ve got an imaginary gun against your head
Because you want to paint the walls in brains and red.
A gun is not a paintbrush that you use when your heart is in distress,
There are a few things that will numb the pain
Like a few pills or a toxic shot to the brain.
Just remember that after you ***** on the ground
And your screams no longer make a sound,
A packet of spearmint gum will be passed around.
archwolf-angel Apr 2017
They said*
To let nature take its course
But she
Did not want to sit still

They said
That what will be, will be
But she
Did not let it be

They said
Not to hurt yourself
But she
Love jumping into bottomless pits

They said
To let your heart decide
But she
Still kept choosing to do what's right

Even when all she wants to do
Is to be brave
And put up a rebellious fight
tumelo mogomotsi Feb 2017
my heart is a bohemian
its authenticity drips like a wet paintbrush
clothing the worlds pale canvas with colours
each colour is hated for its self reflection
its outlook on this planet
has brought the ones who roam it
to look within for their inner quintessence.

- t.m
tumelo mogomotsi Jan 2017
my heart is a rebel to this world
like liquid overflowing
pouring over and clothing the exterior
my love leads the way
and this world follows.

- t.m
wrote this when planning "a weathered heart" with mcdonald tsiie
SøułSurvivør Jul 2016
based on the song by Bruce Cockburn

Maybe the poet is old,
But they won't do as they're told
Maybe the poet is young
But her words you should not shun,
Maybe the poet is free
Are you blind and do not see?
Maybe the poet's a Slave
But those white flags won't be waved!
Maybe the poet is saved
Maybe the poet's a knave
But he'll shout unto the grave!

Black or white,  or coffee brown
His words will stay... they'll stick around
Tan or beige, russet red
You will recall what's been said
It will play all through your head
She will *speak until she's she's dead!

Maybe the poet is rich
And is sitting by a beach
Maybe the poet is poor
But her words you'll hear for sure
Maybe ill with no cure
Though she's dead she will endure
Homeless woman, wealthy man
They won't do as you have planned
They won't play on with the band
They'll be strong and take a stand

They'll holler til you understand!

They won't have a TV show
Won't be on your radio
But the word of mouth will go
Be it fast or be it slow

They may be killed, they may be shot
They will speak TRUTH!
Ignominy may be their lot

But they will produce some thought!

Maybe the voice of The Spirit
In which case you'd better hear it!
You may not touch it. Can't get near it.

Please don't expect applause
Don't find rejection odd...

For it is the Words of God.

(C) 7/16/2016
"Maybe the Poet" by Bruce Cockburn
Leila Valencia Apr 2016
My lofty dreams drink your poison

The sermon hides all talk of lust

**** it!
Drown it!
Strangle it.

How can I ?
How must I ?

Do such tortuous actions
My conscious thinks of you in the mist

Closed doors.....

In hazy heights
Green mountains under the pitch black glow - wrapped in a single cloth
Breathing the puff smoke

I shut the door
Close the tailored book

Walk out in my fitted gown. Sunday school taught me repression

And my succession to my thoughts was one thing - action

Primed, pinned, and pointed to order
In orderly fashion
I defied my fathers crime

Created bedding to sleep on
Encrusted with words, " You're the creator of your own creation"

My chipped cross, crippled slipped underneath the crooked bed
Your lips were spongy delights of chaos I wanted to grip to
Diving in the pool naked felt like a temptuous sin
My guardian was me

I found you by the darkened pond bellowing and I gripped you
Casting my light
And you never said a word
But together we drank the blackened pond liquid
And scratched our skin with empty words, hoping we knew ......

We knew, what we were taking each other's hearts for.
A story of a young girl of a preachers daughter. Rebeling against his wishes. Learning to find her own voice. She goes against the norm, defies what she knows and is willing to take a risk to explore the life of deep passion and lust on levels that would rouse scorn and discontent
m i a Dec 2015
dear society,

i will no longer
  listen to your lies and rules

that i'm supposed to follow
  because all they've brought was cries and sorrow

i will no longer try to be the perfect  
    girl you expect me to be

now i'm going to face reality
  and do things my way

i'm really sorry to say
but i thank you on today

for every terrible thing you've done to me

and don't worry
   it only made me stronger than i'll ever be

so i thank you on today, but sadly i can't stay

*because i'm facing reality and doing things my way.
this doesnt make sense but i really enjoyed writing it <3
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