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marc rios May 2021
She opened her eyes
Staring in the ceilling of solitude
No jobs, No bills
Waiting for the time to come
But will it ever?

She does her bath
And attended her gyms
Eats in the cafeteria
Of the misdemeanors

She has the hand of Hermes
Good for pickpocketing and handicrafts
In her other time she has
A shadow she becomes doing tricks and trades
Pro you can say in cards, she had a lot of time to practice

Just like that her youth wasted
An act of atrocity
Leading to an ended road

She sure has a lot of time
But yet running out of
Only what she can do now is remorse

She has freedom
But yet leashed
Only what she can do now is behave

A freedom inside is not a freedom outside
Only then you realize what value freedom has
When you dont possess it
Melony Martinez Feb 2021
You are easy to love
You make time for me
You are generous with your affection
You communicate your feelings for me without hesitation
You openly and honestly share your thoughts with me
You are curious about me
You want to know who I am and you want to know why

I can’t express how much this makes me feel loved and adored
The way you love me makes me want to be better for you
You have reached into my soul and pulled out emotions I have never felt
You spark my imagination and challenge me to explore new adventures
I hope I never have to wake from the dream you have given me
I want all of you – your laughter, your pain, your passion, and your heart
I promise to never take for granted this easy connection – intimate, honest, and rare
UV Dec 2020
I always put away the pen
Instead of painting you in
How can I win describing?
My love ever overflowing.
If I had my way, I’d immortalise
Your tasteful idiosyncrasies.
Wish my parchment would
Read like my heart, pity
My words fail me unlike your love.
Don’t get me wrong you’re no prince, fable or legend
You’re far rarer,
You’re real enough to contradict even yourself
In loving you I’m made kinder
To the world, myself and the rest.
Cause I see you in your infinite facets
Surreal, imperfect yet
So intoxicating it feels pagan.
To steal a quote from those who came before me
‘Beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror’
And baby I’ve been scared since the day we kissed.

Quote mentioned is by Rainer Maria Rilke.
andTilly Nov 2020
well done
very rare
This type of miracle
Is a rare occurrence

This type of love
Is a once in a lifetime moment

This type of feeling
Is a momentous experience

This type of miracle
Is a rare occurrence
falling in love
Strying Oct 2020
I want a passionate love
One that consumes me
One that takes me to highs I could never imagine

But love these days is limited
If you love someone too old, too different, the same gender
It's wrong
People move away

Things are spoken, and thus the magic disappears
Just as magic is expected to do

And yet, I want a love that consumes me
A love that rarely exists in this world
And I may never have it.
Just some thoughts about love.
Påłpëbŕå Oct 2020
Writers are illusionists,
For they create imagery;
Imprisoned in their minds,
While setting the whole world free.

Writers are heros,
For they have superpowers;
Walking for miles before they sleep,
Only to shine like insomniac stars.

Writers are clowns,
For they can make you laugh;
Humouring you through their ironies,
Unveiling only their happy half.

Writers are divine,
For they can give life;
To the sun & the sea & the shore,
Calming and soothing all your strife!

Writers are deranged,
For they find poetry in all shapes;
From needles to knives,
They talk to these inani'mates'

Writers are intense,
For they feel too much;
Like mimosa of the plant kingdom,
Writing away about the slightest of touch.

Writers are deceptive,
For they are the best liars,
Exaggerating these simple sentences,
Helping you escape your monotonous quagmires.

Writers are humble-beings,
For they always are connected to their roots;
Building wonders from mere words,
To which the whole world ends up paying tributes!
This poem is for all the people who helped me learn so so much in such less time.

Thank you all!
Orakhal Sep 2020
to mend a broken heart
but tender is her beauty rare
as she fails you into her dark of nite
Spriha Kant Sep 2020
Genuine polite and humble men are often misunderstood and tagged as flirty.May be because they are rarest of all the species , I guess.
Amanda Kay Burke Sep 2020
Take rare moments here
Keep perfection protected
Memories stay safe
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