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Isaac Godfrey May 2017
Once upon a time forgotten,
on a shore where’st memories be rotten,
a foul salt lies upon the waters of life,
a distant thought of a lasting strife.

But that is the past, and though it shall remain,
become mindful, become present - peaceful and sane,
without the past, with present, it is your future that you save,
peace upon these sands and ocean! grief gone like a wave.

Although it still exists, The brine not sincere,
it is not a problem any longer, not a problem here.
A tale of pain, as your past memories haunt you, sometimes it's time to let your mind be swept away by the waves.
KarmaPolice Jul 2016
I watch the waves
Crashing down below
I see the lighthouse
Lighting up the snow

I watch the sunset
Slipping out of sight
I see all the ships, make
Portraits in the night

I watch the stars intently
As colour fills my eyes
Tears of amazement
In wonder of the skies

I leave the embers glowing
I let my feet lead the way
Following the imprints
Along the rustic quay

I rest upon the harbour
I see your face appear
My is heart beating, racing
As we meet along the pier
Originally called "I See" , I changed the poem a little as I felt it needed to be longer. I hope you like it.

— The End —