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Andrew Rueter Sep 2020
The raccoons on this Kentucky farm formed a quagmire. They're wild thieves embedded in the ecosystem. Irreplaceable valuables are erased in the cover of night. The farmer offers to negotiate with the masked vermin. A raccoon response results in scramble trash, they say they've got a birthright from the past. Wits end is where dog ownership begins after the adoption of a rabid dog that only sees death. Regret rocks raccoons wrestling with Cerberus but there's no turning back, Cujo is chained in their yard.  Hellhound terror leaves spellbound hares abandoning their warrens until only reddened raccoons remain with their canine warden.

Lamenting the loss of liberty, a revolutionary raccoon resolves to romp around. The dog of damnation's laser locked bloodlust focuses on the rodent-like rebel. Charging like a rocket out of its launcher, the driven dog is lured from its isolated den. This game of cat and mouse has magnanimous stakes reaching across the farmer's lake.

The rebellious raccoon runs rapidly from the rabid ravenous Rover. The runner dips and dives through cover to avoid the teeth of the other. A snapping jaw matches the movements of the juking and cutting critter. Inside of a hollow tree becomes the raccoon's destination, he enters and ascends, the snarling snapper chasing in after him.

Death's embrace seems certain for the raccoon as the hound's teeth shave the edge of its fur, but at that point the fatter can go no further. The hound's blinding bloodlust vanishes upon realizing it's stuck. Its unwavering rage turns into panicked fear once it realizes its end is near. The raccoon revels in the dog's misery, enjoying watching it slowly starving.

The raccoons revelry is rebuked once the dog just starts staring at it. They both stare at each other, unblinking, waiting for the other to die. Neither of them willing to move an inch for fear of accidentally helping the other. Both willing to die to ensure their opponent's death. The hollow facade that saved the raccoon now becomes its tomb. Defeat and death act as a sedating punishment for the dog's aggression. Fierce foes drink the poison of resentment as they both accept their demise while staring into each other's eyes.
J Mathew Jun 2020
Loyalty and Honesty
Are such old fashion qualities.
Now Hatred and Envy
Are real celebrities and followed by paparazzi.

These celebrities have made us blind,
Destroying this world that was just fine.
They were first created in our mind
And flows down to our heart via our spine .

Now the devil is laughing and saying lol,
We have prioritized these qualities above all.
We do not understand that we are all equal
We have stoop down so low to find everyone's faults.

Many are teaching about goodness
But practising in our daily life is the hardest.
Injustice, bloodshed is what we witness,
But have no power to stand against evil's greatness.

No power doesn't mean we are weak
It means we are allowing the devil to play hide and seek.
Right in our minds, hearts and cheek
We have becomes fans of the worst freak.

                                            J. Mathew
I'm writing this with my experience from my life that I have to face everyday......P. S Don't mind me if I'm being rude here
She hasten soon left in a streak
and gravity seen hitherto will roar
that glistening  grease in a political chase
that she drove tirelessly across moonlit destination  

only bitten rolling along countryside her waterloo
and  a marvel uncanny as that in a dream
sheer adrenaline multiplied with a tear on her coverlet
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
To wise for this world, they have it all backwards
Am I the only one that can see it's headed for disaster
I don't want to be here when they set the world on fire
I know this situation is very dire
Before it gets worse I want my life to expire
To get out of this hell, this awful quagmire
They all worship their possessions
Never seeing the great deception
That all that really matters is love and compassion
Soon the world will burn with their hatred and greed
The warning signs they don't heed
And soon the earth it's self will bleed
Pauline Morris Jan 2016
To wise for this world, they have it all backwards
Am I the only one that can see it's headed for disaster
I don't want to be here when they set the world on fire
I know this situation is very dire
Before it gets worse I want my life to expire
To get out of this hell, this awful quagmire
They all worship their possessions
Never seeing the great deception
That all that really matters is love and compassion
Soon the world will burn with their hatred and greed
The warning signs they don't heed
And soon the earth it's self will bleed
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