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Man Jun 2021
i've heard it said
of friends who can only bare
the weather fair,
that they are better left
in that climate, there
that of all your loves
the ones who don't give up
slog through the ****
all for the prospect
of living it up
that's who you do it for

open your heart
open your arms
open your mind
free the soul
Maria Mitea May 2020
I look into the deep earth,
and I have eyes, and I have depth,
I have speed, as I am earth moving through earth from all perspectives, apparently, I think and I know,
but how do I reach there? at Prospect Mira,
I asked auntie Liudmila,
while she was selling sunflowers at
Lyublinsko station, and I was running to catch up my breath beyond the boundaries in which has been conceived, while the worldly murals violate the norms and  “The Idiot” reaches greatness on the Moscow walls silhouettes wrestling on a mortal terrain; his umbra, my umbra. Whose and which, and when? I simplify it down to the breath and keep running. What a rush?
Michael R Burch Apr 2020
The Stake
by Michael R. Burch

for Beth

Love, the heart bets,
if not without regrets,
will still prove, in the end,
worth the light we expend
mining the dark
for an exquisite heart.

Originally published by The Lyric

Keywords/Tags: love, heart, regret, regrets, stake, prospect, prospecting, mine, mining, motherlode, heart, exquisite, silver, gold, platinum
A M Ryder Dec 2018
So if you really go the whole way and
See how you feel about the prospect of vanishing forever
If all your efforts and all your achievements and
All your attainments, turning into dust
Into nothingness..
What is the feeling?
What happens to you?
It's a curious thing
The most real state is the state of nothingness
That's what it's all going to come to
Noel S Mar 2018
It could've been your smile that lightened up the world
It could've been a hand on your injured substance
It could've been an adoration, for eternity
But not, it was nothing but a overly realistic dream
A thing I think we all can relate to:
Lovelessness; the search for love; or a mere hope
Chano Williams Apr 2014
Spanish man! Spanish man!
Welcome to America!
I have you a place
­for your clothes and shoes
You start work tomorrow,
washing many ­dishes
If you wash enough
your dreams may come true!

Spanish man­! Spanish man!
Welcome to America!
How has life been
since last w­e spoke?
Are you working two jobs
and paying those dues?
Well, pl­ease, put this package
underneath your coat
Spanish man! Spanis­h man!
Welcome to America!
Here is some money
for what I asked yo­u to keep
Go shod your feet nicely,
eat well ‘til you’re full
Pay­ up your rent
and I’ll see you next week!

Spanish man! Spanish m­an!
Welcome to America!
Please open your door
for I need your hel­p!
I’m covered in blood
Can you spare me clothes?
Next time I see­ you
I’ll give you much wealth!

Spanish man! Spanish man!
Welcom­e to America!
You have a new job,
it’s in another town
These guys­ owe me money,
but won’t pay me a dime
I need you to meet them
an­d gun them down!

Spanish widow. Spanish widow.
Welcome to Americ­a.
I’m sorry for your husband
He was a good man
I see you have tw­o sons
Fine, strapping, young lads
If they ever need work
then see me when you can
Chano Williams Apr 2014
All day yesterday was the best day of my life
Nothing went wrong, everything went right
Tracking all the factors that helped make it so
Reinvigorates me to continue with my goals
There’s a thought that returns, maybe coincidental,
But there is a common thread that is sequential
Early in the morning is when I first saw you
And at the end of the day you were in my rear view
So you were there with me from sunrise to sunset
Any moment we had together I never felt upset
No awkward instances, only natural feelings
No pressure to make myself seem more appealing
You make me feel like I’m almost where I need to be
To have something that you may one day need from me
Leisurely I will continue to approach the situation
Because this is a path that I want to keep straightened
At the prime of our lives for the time of our lives
We just have to be willing to hold on for the ride
Hopefully I’ll have you before the towel’s thrown in
Together we will laugh at what could have been
All the bullets that we dodged and the ones still lodged
Deep into our hearts, but they’ll seem like a mirage
Compared to the dreams that we’ve chosen to live
After each other’s hearts that we’ve chosen to give
It feels so strange to be so close to these emotions
I’m hopeful for the future, for once my mind’s open
To all of the possibilities that life could deal to me
I’m so thrilled to see what will be revealed to me
Whatever happens to me, I need you to be there too
Since I know with you there we could see it all through
I can’t recall a single bad day in which you were involved
Even in one of your foul moods I was still so enthralled
That’s just the kind of person I will always choose to be
Doing whatever it takes to always have you with me
Especially when extreme patience is all that’s required
I’ll work hard at this job, no way am I ever getting fired
Committed until I’m beyond the age of being retired
Whistling while I work until the day I might expire
One day, to all these thought you won’t be oblivious
One day I’ll pursue you with an attitude that’s vigorous
Until that day comes I’ll patiently wait off to the side
For an opportunity to make you my source of pride

— The End —