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Aaron E May 2020
"The thing about sht, is it rolls down hill"
My grandfather told me that.
He was a chemist.
"I know about some sht," he said.

"You get sht on by the people above you,
and you sht on the people below."

"Some may let sht slide,
some can't let sht go."

But you never sht on someone beside you.
That's how you make sht grow.
I don't really know how to tag this, because I'm not even sure who would be interested in searching for it. Please consider sharing my sh_t on these fine interwebs.
Reappak Apr 2020
I had to write on anything I wished
There was this demand
So I decided to write on ****
Which goes down in troops
Entering the toilet's streams
A chocolate mousse it seems
You may say, you may say yikes
But that is how the toilet likes
Yes it smells! Yes it stinks
Yet its fun to watch it
Plop, drop and kink!!
Masha Yurkevich Feb 2020

life makes you into a
tiny seed
and throws you into a
pile of ****.

But do not be fooled.

And do not be brought down.

With the right thoughts
and the right actions,

that pile of **** can become


and help you grow even stronger
than before.

Shakytrumpet Dec 2019
'Tis not the tender
Paper betwixt mine cheeks, 'tis
Mine hand that greets me

For fragile parchment
Hath been punctured by me, the
Elegant **** jokes are fun
Bhill Sep 2019
What is a dogs life
Eating, pooping and barking
Waiting for you to arrive
Checking out the garbage cans
Hanging around on the couch
Sleeping, sleeping and sleeping
Asking you to please pet me
Can we go for a walk now
Answering the door with barks
A joyous FAMILY member
A beautiful soul

Dog backwards is God
Very appropriate name
Cherish your together time....!

Brian Hill - 2019 # 238
The memories that pets can give you are wonderful. Cherish them always!
babygirl45 Jan 2019
they look in the bowl
it is dark and and quiet
one stand alone
a poo is present
it glistens in the toilet water
the brown feels soft on my skin
'I didn't eat any corn'
I spoke to the poo within.
my poo
Breanna evans Jan 2019
I'm terribly sorry, my dear

for you see, I was on my way

up the stairs to fetch them,

post haste,

when unexpectedly,

I was accosted

by a sudden,

uncontrollable urge

to empty the contents

of my colon,

in more the fashion

of the process of urination

than of defecation
Jack L Martin Aug 2018
I write these words
Whilst sitting on the can
Can you fold paper?
The paper man can!

He is sitting right next to me
Stuck to the wall
He's rolled up quite neatly
In a cylindrical ball

I'll pull a few sheets
Cause I'll need them for wiping
I'll do it right after
I finally  stop typing

I'll wipe once or twice
And turn around a check
I think I'll wipe thrice
To be sure, what the heck?

I'll flush it all down
In a brown yellow swirl
I'll wave to it goodbye
Then curtsey like a girl

Wash my hands, wash my face
I'll grab for Fabreeze
I'll spray it like mace
Smells like sweet island breeze

I feel so relieved
As I head for the door
That my ****** excretions
Are in me no more!
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