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Elena Mustafa Sep 2020
There was a woman
Named shawna
Who preached fornication
Over knowledge
She went for a walk
In a spooky forest
And then an eye popped out
She walks through the eye
And finds herself in hell
As that was the eye of god
Elena Mustafa Sep 2020
One night
I spoke out of bed
To clear my head
Something is ill advised to anyone
Under 14
Should do
From the night mares
As i walk i hear
Crying loud moans
I look into my
Bahai/muslim neighbor
Torture her children
To death because they
Choose peace instead of jihad
From then on I saw them
Playing in the street
In the middle of the night
White as the ghosts
They are
As if pleading to me
To help their story
Well here it is
Elena Mustafa Sep 2020
The human mind
The human psychology
The human heart
Is ultimately
Where darkness dwells
And it well in all ove us
It takes one snap
Of the mental
Just ask my mother
Marina Al Hassan Sep 2020
Make me
On your big
Yet forcefully
Grab me by the hijab and hair
Kiss me roughly
I was yakuza
At a time
But my mind became
Weak with PTSD
And my back weak from injuries
I had to find another
Not thinking I
Would find another
More severely
Wayward soul
From Saudi Arabia
Instead of Japan
The yakuza code
Out of love

‎كنت ياكوزا
‎ في الوقت
‎ لكن أصبح عقلي
‎ ضعيف مع اضطراب ما بعد الصدمة
‎ وظهري ضعيف من الإصابات
‎ كان علي أن أجد آخر
‎ طريقة
‎ لا أفكر أنا
‎ سوف تجد آخر
‎ أشد
‎ روح ضالة
‎ من السعودية
‎ بدلا من اليابان
‎ كود الياكوزا
‎ مكسور
‎ بدون حب
Jay Aug 2019
Took an oath not to do harm
Yes you harmed and damaged me
You think you feel good
When this broken  crayon
Cant cooler anymore
For what you did to me
In the autopsy room
fray narte Jul 2019
and what you need
to realize
is that
the flowers growing
on the tips
of someone else's pen
is not
the wilting of yours.

— The End —