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The mind it yells ‘imposter’
Each time I find the time to write
Never telling who I am, only telling who I am not.

Squawking, sulking in my ear
Drives the pen, the words to veer,
Drives the mind to that of Lears,
Into the sullenness of my volition.
Imposter, Imposter - not a syndrome but a title;

The title of my biography, the world’s class joke
The worlds least known, the worlds last hope.

I have a Saviour but I am my own,
Rather, I insist to be my own.

Hypnotized by the shadow, or not a shadow but a void,
A black void, not empty but falling,
Falling deep and a miss, falling, falling to my abyss -

Imposter Void Imposter, write your sweet nothingness,
I pity myself but I go on, Imposter Void Imposter -
Sympathetic, the abyss lends it’s kiss.
Imposter syndrome hitting hard
Elizabethanne Sep 2021
I am sitting in the waiting room
underwear off
On a chair that hasn’t been clean since it was installed
Goosebumps trail down my exposed back
The ties of my blue hospital dressing gown
the only barrier between me
and a room of fully clothed strangers  

I am sitting in a waiting room
my eyes are burning
and I wish for nothing more
then to have some type of dignity left
But I put it in the white pillow case they give
after telling you to strip yourself of everything you are
It sits between my legs  
And just like that I am a blank slate
(Nothing more and a little less than what they need me to be)

I am sitting in a waiting room
And I am the smallest person in every room I walk into
These ones always make me feel smaller
i used to get angry
until realisation hit me
you are stuck in this
you aren't controlling it
suddenly anger became pity
suddenly anger became pity
Now I tend to laugh at the pity parties I throw.
Its the same old routine,  the same old show.
I whine and I moan
from tenor key to baritone
The curtains close, I stand and applaud but I do not go.
Gotta stop inviting myself to these pity parties
Alexa Genesis Jul 2021
in cloudy weather there's a light wind and light rain.
the mother cat and her kitten looking for shelter.
i can see in through her eyes, the pity who whisper to my ears.
i can't do anything but to stare and watch of how hard to be a mother just to find safety to her kittens.
2 low pressure
Man May 2021
the big easy
is hard lives,
what gives

this rainy city
so sublime,
it's almost a pity

that streets are lined with ****
pests and rats in the alleyways
how did things get so ******

or have they always been?

overpasses with people
lying underneath

so many homeless
it staggers the mind to think

bread bags and coffees
floating in the wake of the ferries

outnumbering 10 to 1
the loads that they carry

all the old growth
coming down

all the gold of their headpieces
tinfoil hats fashioned from crowns

no jazz or blues can save them
from the fate that waits

an engraving reading,
here lies what once was a haven
Jeremiah Mhlongo Apr 2021
An ocean I drown in,
Islands I cant see,
You are deep dark an ocean,
I swim you endlessly,
This is not love,
I am to die here,
Love isn't suffering,
What manner of love is this,
Give me peace please.
Love is a spell so horrid if be it cast to a soul that can only receive
My Dear Poet Mar 2021
Fluffy little sadness
lurking in my soul
Just one more little sad song
sing along and feel whole
Sadness feels like a fur ball
we choke, cough and toss
sticky, gooey, hairy
not as sweet as fairy floss

now swallowing the sorrow
we slouch too sensitive in our seat
feeling sticky in self pity
finding comfort in bitter sweet
Oh wake from the stinking wallow
may we learn a thing or two
feels good moping in warm and fuzzy
but so does barefoot in warm poo
My Dear Poet Mar 2021
That feeling, that you are alone
should remind many, not some
that all people are alone
and you’re not the only one
that feeling when you’re lonely
is not the experience of a few
so therefore, no one is really alone
when we’re all lonely too
The irony
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