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Parin Aug 2020
Now even my dreams inflict me with pain,
The dreams that once used to be my happy place,
Which once used to be my escape
From the bitter reality,
That I can taste constantly on my tongue,
That very tongue which I once used to say only honey sweet words,
But now speaks only unpleasant and petulantly.
Oh how much I am longing for just a taste of sugar,
Maybe just once.
she closets herself away from our sight
yet her ball has the brightest of glimmer
a shining created for sheer delight
how dare she hide her radiant shimmer
behind the obscure curtain of a shroud
she's disposed to making us cheerless
by not displaying outside the dull cloud
why oh why does she behave so joyless
her rays won't beam in an opulent glow
there she chooses to remain concealed
her petulant manner has gone on show
we await the hour she'll be revealed
look our sun has had a change of heart
she exhibits her brilliant orb so smart

— The End —