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There's broken glass, something escaped
from the think-tank. Now that thought's
gone and gotten loose whatever will we do:

These inauspicious days alcohol only leads
to the darkest recesses of my mind anymore
for who knows how many suicide notes I wrote
whilst in the cold throes of this depressing war
on my own dear sanity; you tell me who the victor
really is.

"Yes, I know"
"I am a son of Hades,
The darkness is my birthright".

A daydream I'd been having
too often, my thoughts were
dreams of escaping
something terrible
but I would only entertain them.
Still I find myself asking
why I feel sick in the head so often?
Am I playing mind games?
I know it's not him [who I am]
yet I created this thing that is,
Isn't this thing part of me, is this/it's contrary, this counterintuitive.
Nothing is as it seems, the world scares me, and all I ever wanted was a human being to be gentle with. A significant Other? I can barely be with myself let alone any other. I have little power over my own prophecy nor my dreams as of yet. When I become lucid then I'll know that I can finally sleep unburdened.

Yes I know,
She told me so.
Line Ten from 'Yes I Know' by Daphni
Line Eleven and Twelve - Nico di Angelo in Heroes of Olympus: Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan
Ember Evanescent Jan 2015
I reread the same books over and over
And I don't care how many reasons you have to hate the series
These books are like people
Sure, they have flaws
But I love them for everything they are
I see their beauty, not their mistakes
I will always love them
Because they were my escape
When everything was crumbling
They were my friends
When people weren't
And rereading them
Reminds me
Of how beautiful it was
To escape
I don't care if you hate them
Just like people, if you don't like them, leave them alone
No on is forcing you to associate yourself with them
You don't need to go around spreading news about their flaws
Because you have many of your own
My emotions
Are connected to those books
Because they saved my life
So leave them alone
sick of hearing what is "wrong" with the books that got me through suicidal times
the greatest weapons of the world.
Full of Mocking jays.
Each one being Divergent
to the others.
Books are like a Maze
that we have to Run through.
They're like a Testing
that will never end.
Not even the great Hogwarts
can stand against their power.
Books are more beautiful than the Twilight sky.
More powerful than Percy Jackson,
than the Heroes of Olympus.
Books are the true heroes of the world.
As you can tell, I love books. :D
Shruti Atri Jul 2014
fiction: the figment of a great writer's imagination.

the words, ink on plain paper;
feeble in their existence,
tell me to be *fierce
 and compassionate.
to have something to love,
more deeply than any being is capable of;
to try...
so that there is something my soul will reside in,
which is not me,
something I can face a fight to death for...

they are not only books.
they are the silent teachings learnt by these authors,
living through hardships.
they are metaphors,
symbols of lessons to be applied in our lives.
their passion, their wounds, living inside of their words;
they speak to us readers,
in their meek mild voices;
to hope,
to have faith,
to believe in something someone beyond ourselves,
to be human in the face of impossibilities,
eve­n through difficult dark times,
to be humble in the face of success­,
to ride our dragons into oblivion,
to hunt them down and slay them like wolves,
to never­ give up...

*'Winter is coming'
'We must try not to sink beneath our anguish, but battle on.'
'Do or do not. There is no try.'
'A hero can go anywhere, challenge anyone, as long as he has the nerve.'
'You endure what is unbearable, and you bear it.'
'If you have the soul of a warrior, you are a warrior.'
'We will not just be another piece in their games.'
'Fear doesn't shut you down. It wakes you up.'
'Old things are better than new things, because they've got stories in them.'
'Not all those who wander are lost.'
'We accept the love we think we deserve.'
'Grief does not change you. It reveals you.'
'This is my family. I found it all on my own. It's little and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good.
this is what fantasy has given me:
imaginary heroes,
imaginary victims,
imaginary villains.
all with different stories,
all lessons for life and love,
in a kaleidescope of metaphors and symbols.
a hundred thousand shades of vibrant colors,
instead of white or black.
Riptide May 2014
I see her tears
She lost her mom
Maybe one day
She'll be back
But for now
She's gone
With her mom

Death, I blame you
For this
And more heartache
Oh, I haven't forgotten
You took something
That belonged to me
When I was young, innocent and naïve

You've been bullying
people for too long
And now that I've grown
Meet your death sentences
My shape shifting pen:
Riptide is the key to the poem. Riptide is Percy Jackson's pen that transforms into a sword when pressed. Percy Jackson is Poseidon's son and Percy saves the world and Olympus with his sword - Riptide. So read it the poem again now.

— The End —