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"I like you!"
I wished to shout,
Something rare, right about.
A spark that burned through.

But I never knew you,
Well, it was for an instant—
We came upon,
I saw you, only you.
(And you never saw me.)

You never saw me,
I was translucent.
A shadow,
A breath between moments.
A whisper lost in crowded hums.

What we could be—
You never thought to oversee
Yet, only I hesitated.
Only I remained reluctant.
Only I remained reluctant.
Among the crowd, busy life,
I saw a soul, hustling around.
Not like people, always rife,
A lost boy, ought to be found.

I saw you pass by,
Pass though my whole.
I wished to talk, say "Hi!"
But I only saw you, behind the pole.

I saw you, but so did you
You opened your mouth, I passed by,
Like a puzzle, you left a clue,
Walked away just after, "I!..."

What were you about to say,
This haunts me still,
Maybe you wanted to make me your bae,
Oh, I'm climbing a steep hill.
I am no fool,
Not a person to by played with,
You cannot trick me,
Expecting to get away with it.

But if you dare to do,
I will dare to challenge you,
I prefer a battle of wits,
To see which of us wins the day.
I feel foolish lately, I've been tricked it seems and I will not take it easy.
Forgotten traces of a pencil – I’ve been built
by words; public reputation is the means of
being good at your own public relations.
As love’s repetition is loving those you’ve
fallen in love with, off the pages of life rather
than the scripts of perfected fiction.

And to believe your love is perfect is to rival
God's – where you become your own judge;
biased as much, for the flesh desires to feed
only itself; the flesh isn’t the perfection of love.

For everyday of life is the day for all equal dogs,
moral or uncouth,  posterity rests its favour –
Still a dog must know not to bite the hand that
feeds it; as it seeks the hand’s favour – wouldn’t
we all like to find favour in the hands of our Creator,

What are dogs to their Creator?
Ruya 5d
there's an ocean behind her eyes
an ocean in which she drowns
it's unlike any  
for no light reaches
it's the waves
which she can't pull herself out from
they tug her in
they drag her back
and she pours in
she melts
she returns
as if she had never left at all

there's a desert behind his struggle
and between the sun-kissed orbs
that loved to gaze on the sun
there's a hollowness he feels
it was as if he walked around
on naked feet
and upon broken shards of glass
but there’s a duty he bears
as if suddenly turning older
it meant becoming atlas
with the world upon his shoulders
and his own became ash

but he stays quiet
lips tightened shut
even if the silence weeps

and there's so much to say
but the words are already lost
between what couldn't have been
and between what was
at least most

and there's so
so many paths to walk on
but her bones ache
and he doesn't remember the last time
he had taken a breathe and had sat down

and they might meet,
between holding on and letting go
they might meet on the wrong road
or on the middle  
or in the end
at the right time
at the wrong place
and in between
just two strangers walking by

they might meet
in one gaze
in a single glance

and it would take little
to see the ghosts
of what they used to be
crawling behind
and the trail of blood
it would take very little
to see the ashes of dreams
upon their feet

to see the water
and to see the sand

it would take very little
Funny how it’s hard to explain the feeling of LOVE –
But easier explaining the loneliness; we don’t miss
As much, until we’re missing that familiar touch
Its not about the crush, it’s that rush – that hopeful
Romantics picture of them one day finding LOVE.

Where some are heart led, an ***** of compound LOVE–
In love sickness, we could be a lead compound, hoping
For the promise to treat such a disease; searching for LOVE
Is always easy said then done, and when we've gone
Through our hardships we say, “I’m so done with LOVE!”

But LOVE is never done with you, give it another round,
And you’ll start smiling that you’ve found the One
LOVE is a marathon of going round, and round, until
You can run this race of life with someone you truly,

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE - and their LOVE you want!
Evil people hide in familiar shades,
They morph their wicked skin,
To look the likes of us,
And not their monstrous kin.

They write like a human,
Speaking in themes we recognize as light,
To the point no one knows how they lie,
So who knows how many walk among us.
Nothing as disgusting as when you begin to trust one, just for them to rear their fangs and reveal their true form.
Reece Mar 4
I hold onto a rope,
Though I don’t know where it goes,
But I’ll keep on holding tightly,
Since I fear what lies below.
Somedays it’s hard to hold onto hope,
Somedays I wish I’d just let go,
But I won’t,
I won’t.
I’ll climb out of the hole,
That my friend dug to bury me,
With her resentment,
And discontentment.
I won’t let her pain be my end,
Like it nearly was for her.
On those dark days,
When there’s so much unknown,
The one thing,
That’ll stay the same,
Is my hope.
I will make it to brighter days!
Sometimes, it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I assure you, it's always there.
Reece Mar 4
It may sound narcissistic,
Paint me as a cynic,
But I must admit,
I sometimes surprise myself,
That everyone’s lives,
Are just as complicated as mine.
Everyone thinks,
Everyone feels,
Everyone cries,
And everyone dies.
The way people act sometimes,
Makes you wonder if there’s a thought beyond their eyes,
But there is,
Just like there is behind mine.
We are all complex people,
With desires and dreams,
Goals and aspirations,
Pain and fears,
Ups and downs,
Strengths and weaknesses,
It’s enlightening.
I can't be the only one who has this feeling, right?
simmer Mar 3
To toil with people you love
Is to curse someone already broken
For anger is a sign of folly
And an impartial heart is revealed in words spoken
Calamity will take all the help you can give it
Instead exclaim "I love you"
Wrap them in your words
And watch as their heart melts softly from forgiveness
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