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Hailey Apr 10
Out of all the things I’ve practiced,
I should really practice on how to not fall in love
Bekah Halle Dec 2019
In a new life, new emotions, new thoughts and new possibilities,
A heart held open can beat new rhythms;
The song can sound different, the tune can change,
But the intention remains the same;

Love, peace, hope: compassion ...
A heart held open can withstand pain and
Grow stronger, mightier, and wiser.
A heart held open can hold paradoxes, which is life.
Star pupils, interstellar eyes,

gazing across the frozen nebula

at stick figures in radiation suits,

lovers intertwined with reactant valves,

planted into unearthly soil,

a distant light from over our shoulder,

the good comet returns,

there might be an escape pod

for intangibles after all,

and once inside, images of moonbase love

and alien encounters,

that neither mocks the comically misjudged

visions of yellowed science fiction,

nor longs for some utopian future,

an environment that begs escapism

without denying humanity
Traveler Apr 5
What if we stripped away all the barriers that separate societies?
What if the whole earth became one people with dignity for all?

Are you thinking about what this would do to your money?
Ya that's the problem with our kind.
We're not really on the immigrants side.

Life is one big soul test.
Traveler Tim
Ken Pepiton Apr 1
I gotta ask

myself, am I mad, or is this that day, again,
did we make a plan to finish something again,
and not do it, again?

I do believe, we have settled that both ignore and
believe are verbs in a modality, meaning

if you do not do it, yourself, it does not get done,
I believe ignorance is an active state, sold as faith,
evidenced by things unseen,
substantially manifested
in the peace you hoped
to find, being yours
to make up, in your mind,

and let it drift into reality, as we breathe our
insides out,

there could be a word for that.
April 1, again, and now **** is legal in Berlin, we won, again.
Steve Page Mar 31
Immediate or infinite.
A different perspective as I look down at my feet and then up to the next bend in the road, if not out to the distant horizon.

Immediate and infinite.
I hold both in my hands and in my heart. Both guide my path.

Immediate and infinite.
My God has made them beautiful and is Lord of both.
after Ecclesiastes  3: 9-15
Safana Mar 30
Our guest has arrived.
He is about to end his visit.
We began to say farewell before disappearing.
We trust Allah (The Almighty)
has prepared us for another encounter.
To see your appearance again.
Until another day, our friend.
Until another day, our brother.
We bid farewell to our Ramadan.
9 days to end his visit (RAMADAN)
Desert Wind

“The lone and level sands stretch far away.” Shelley, Ozymandias.

Ah… And there it is, my friend— “A disembodied thought,”
Found, we’re told, under a soldier’s boot,
Though some have said it is not a thinkingness
But a yearning for the life that held it.

And there, just there, a bit of quartz
As white as cataracts
As final rays of sunlight, once
Caught and held— As black clouds
Boil across an afternoon sky
Eclipse the sun and day falls into night.

Or so the lone survivor told.
But she was blind, it’s said.
She lived another day or two
The legend goes, to say who won.

Though who would care, I wonder?
Surely not the dead.

But we, the living, in seeking, release the past to where
All pasts must dwell, recover hope, however faint,
Rekindle life, wherever present, harken to a living
Wind, attend its voices— those of Jesus, Allah,
HaShem, L. Ron Hubbard, and others.

And having listened and formed our own thoughts
And consulted with prayer and vision,
Rejoin, rejoice, reclaim our own lives,
Today, we are returned.
Today we are alive— and come and go in peace.
Another vision of
Is not withdrawal
Peace is the surge
The urge
Peace is arising
It’s an overflowing
Swing of
Turned-up rhythm
Peace is resurgence
Peace is expression
In and of
Common Purpose
Cresting waves
Of purpose
Upon a new dynamic line
Peace is
Not withdrawal from life
Peace is not placid
Not flaccid
Peace is active
Peace is believed
Peace is for
And not against
Peace just is
And you are its source
And I am its source
And we are its source
Reaching from and for and to
Every searching soul
Peace is strength
Of integrity

Peace is yours

Peace is ready now
The righteous and blameless Saviour alone carried the cross,
For someone so unworthy and wretched like me, You paid the cost
Through redemption in Your Son, we are justified freely by Your grace
With new eternal life, may we seek Your face

You lovingly sent Your Son to die on the cross of Calvary for me,
Now that salvation is complete, forever I’m free!
My chains are gone, my debt is paid;
Through the cross, new hope for me is laid

My soul rejoices because Calvary covers it all,
Despite my sin and shame, You still gave Your call
You are merciful and faithful to save,
Nothing can ever separate us from Your love and grace!

Come, let us confess our sins and ask for forgiveness,
The faithful One will cleanse us from all righteousness
In Your light, we see light;
For in You, is the fountain of life!

Inspiration: Romans 3:24, 1 John 1:9, Psalms 36
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