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What is the meaning of Spiritual Initiation?
It is a start to reach our ultimate destination
The guidance of a Guru can take us there faster
But for this, we need an Enlightened Master!
Initiation is the beginning of our Journey to the Truth
It is the way to get to the bottom of the root

Why Spiritual Initiation? Why must we go on a Quest?
Why must we put our beliefs to test?
Because of ignorance, what we were taught in schools
We continue to believe and live like fools!
It's time to question, 'Who am I?'
'Am I this Body that will just live and die?

To Initiate the Journey, we must still the Mind
It is our enemy, this Truth, we must find
Along with the Ego, it becomes Mind and Ego, ME
It tells us, 'We are the Body,' in the mirror that we see
It hides the Truth that we are the Divine Soul
We need Initiation to reach our Goal!
Initiation is a Journey to Self-Realization
With the help of the Guru, it is Purification
Then, we move forward and there is Illumination
Till we arrive at the Truth called Realization
But Initiation is just the beginning, what is the end?
Enlightenment or Spiritual Awakening, ignorance to transcend

Many people are seeking only to be initiated
They blindly follow the myth and make life complicated
Initiation means to question everything and ask, 'Why?'
'What is my purpose on earth and who am I?'
'What was the reason that I came to earth?'
'What is the purpose of my human birth?'

Initiation often needs the help of Meditation
When we still the mind, we start Contemplation
We reach a state of Consciousness
It is Mindfulness, it is Awareness
In this state, it is the Intellect that will shine
We will Discriminate and Realize that nothing is mine

What is this world? It's just a show
We are just actors, we come and we go!
Until there is Initiation, nothing we know
But with the help of a Master, spiritually, we grow
We Realize that the Purpose of life is Liberation
And after Realization, Divine Unification

How do we know, we are on the right path?
Are we fooled by rituals in a religious bath?
Do we believe in the universal lie?
That God is an old man, who lives in the sky?  
Initiation will take us to the Truth of Realization
But for this, we must do Self-Certification

Nobody knows if we are Spiritually Awakened
But the Guru can guide us to be Enlightened
Unless we are honest with the Guru and in him, we trust
Self-Certification won't work, so this comes first  
Obedience to the Guru is a must
To give us worldly desires and give up lust

Other than the Guru, nobody can know
Are we truly Enlightened or we're putting up a show
If with the Guru, there is a Divine Connection
Then, truthful will be our Self-Certification
Otherwise, the Initiation will cause confusion
And we may never reach our destination

What are the things that we must certify?
We must first, find out the truth, 'Who am I?'
For this, we must find out, what we are not
Escape from the Mind and Ego, that ties us in a knot!
When we Realize, these, we are not but we are
'Who are we?' We certify, we cross the bar

Self-Certification is about endorsing, we are the Soul
But this is the Beginning, not yet the goal
The Soul is nothing but the Divine Power, SIP
The Supreme Immortal Power, must be certified on our lip
When God, we are able, in all, to see
Then we can certify, we Realize the Divine energy

The Soul is but a Spark Of Unique Life
This Certification liberates us from strife
But the Soul is nothing, it is God, it is SIP!
We must certify and move forward in this trip
Now, we are sailing on a Spiritual ship
One by one, the Certification saves us from a slip!

Ultimately, what must we get in sight?
Finally, we have to switch on the inner light
Certification is to reach that state of Inner Enlightenment
It is transcending pleasure and achievement
We will pass by contentment and fulfillment
And certify, we are no more slaves of entertainment

Spiritual Awakening is Eternal Bliss
It is a state of Truth Consciousness
It is Divine Love for one and all
And this is certified, when the Ego has a fall
As long as the Ego stands tall like a wall
We can't Certify Enlightenment, we will fall!

Therefore, it is important to read this book
One-by-one, each Certification, will change the outlook
We must be sincere in our Initiation
And with honesty, do Self-Certification
The process is long, there will be Realization
And ultimately, there will be Liberation!

Life has a meaning, it has a purpose
Without Initiation, it will just be a circus
If we just live and then we die
If we are not Enlightened, 'Who am I?'
The Body will die but we will be reborn
We will suffer and this will go on and on

Therefore, today, let us start our Initiation
Not delay our Journey of Realization
For this, we must first get an Enlightened Soul
Getting the right Guru achieves half the Goal
Then, the Spiritual Journey must go on
Nothing must stop us from dusk to dawn  
Ultimately, at death, happens one of the two things
Initiation is the one that Peace and Bliss brings
If there is no Spiritual Awakening, there will be reincarnation
But Enlightenment is the result of Realization
We have time, let us make a choice
Let us not delay, let us be wise!
I like to gaze upon the boundless night sky, and
Quietly count the vast sprinkling of stars,
That I may concern myself with a relaxing yet
Fruitless endeavor, and momentarily
Know nothing of the worlds’ turmoil:
I lightly raise my finger and trace another constellation,
As the world carries on without me.
Wu wei: the practice advocated by Taoism of letting one's action follow the simple and spontaneous course of nature
Being together is coffee in the morning.
Being together is a call at noon.

Being together is I love you,
be safe, I miss you, come home soon.

Being together is talking about the weather,
sharing secrets no other soul ever knew.

Being together is not saying anything,
and being comfortable doing that too.

Being together is a thousand intimacies
spoken only in each other's eyes.

Being together is a connection
even when we're far apart.

Being together is more
than being in each other's arms.

It's being in each other's hearts.
This poem is available on my you tube channel please copy and paste the link
or search @tsummerspoetry on you tube.
Not Everyone Is Having A Merry Christmas
Not everyone
Is having a Jolly Christmas
Not everyone
In the masse
Is enjoying a happy one.

Many are attending masses
Many are shopping in the malls
Many are suffering in the hospitals
Many are busy in the classes.

Not everyone
In town
Is having a Holly Jolly Christmas
Not everyone
Has a crown
And a palace.

Many are sad
Many are mad
Many are carrying a cross
Many are sick and lost.

Christmas is about doing our best
Christmas is about working with the rest
Christmas is about Hope and Peace
Christmas is about Love and Feast.

P.S. Happy Holidays To All And Happy New Year!

Copyright © December 2016, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several books of poetry.
Sueño con una Navidad correcta y alegre
Nunca sueño con una Navidad blanca o nevada
Es muy resbaladizo y traicionero cuando nieva
Para ir a la iglesia uso zapatos de cuero
Y es fácil caerse y lastimarse
No quiero romper tu corazón
Al decir que esa blanca Navidad
No es un momento divertido o alegre. Pero la misa de medianoche
Por supuesto, es un momento feliz. Me encantan los villancicos
La música góspel, las decoraciones y cuando doblan las campanas
Me encanta una Navidad cálida y alegre en el estado del sol, en Florida
Donde sea seco, atractivo y agradable. Es como tener una cita
Con la Madre Naturaleza. El clima no es malhumorado ni sombrío
Los niños juegan con sus regalos y todos parecen felices
No sueño con una Navidad blanca o nevada
¡Oh, Jo, Jo, Jo! Me encanta una Navidad correcta y alegre.

PD. Traduccíon de ‘ A Right And Jolly Christmas’ por Hébert Logerie

Copyright © diciembre de 2023, Hébert Logerie, Todos los derechos reservados.
Hébert Logerie es autor de varias colecciones de poemas.
I dream of a right and jolly Christmas
I don’t dream of a white or snowy Christmas
It’s very slippery and treacherous when it snows
To go to church, I wear leather shoes
And it’s easy to fall and get hurt
I don’t want to break your heart
By saying that white Christmas
Isn’t a fun or joyful time. But Midnight Mass
Is of course a joyous time. I love the Xmas carols
The gospel music, the decorations and when the bell tolls
I love a warm and holy jolly Christmas in the sunshine state
Where it’s dry, inviting and nice. It’s like being out on a date
With Mother Nature. The weather is not crabby or gloomy
The children are playing with their gifts and everybody seems happy
I don’t dream of a white or snowy Christmas
Oh ** ** **! I love a right and jolly Christmas.

Copyright © December 2023, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved.
Hébert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems.
We both agree that we want to keep it pure
as it used to be -- not a makeover or nostalgic
stroll, but unencumbered from what has been.
Uninhibited --
seeing our true faces anew.

When we seem to hurt each other we agree
that we only want to lift the heaviness that
weighs us down –
carefully shaping words to cut the strings

that drag the weight through the generations
so we can learn from past mistakes and not let
mutations mutate our love.
Peace be still my love.
My peace is not here
as yet, but you have it within your reach.
Drop the weight
and grasp the lightness!

Maybe mine will come sooner if you stop
mourning my darkness and follow your own
light that has always been there--
sometimes hidden
behind the horizon--
but it has always been there.

Let it glow as it used to --
not human-formed
or reflected beams but uninhibited from what
has been. Not obscured, but seeing us anew.
Please see that I can see that you
have the power to be set free.
Then maybe my peace will arise within me sooner.
Then maybe my spirit and mind will heal sooner.
©2024 Daniel Irwin Tucker

This work does not speak of physical or emotional violence. The 2nd stanza uses the word "hurt". In the context of this poem, it means working out problems in our relationship with complete honesty "carefully shaping words to cut the strings that drag the weight..." This is a love poem that I wrote for my wife. She is also a strong woman who doesn't take ****! Again, 'hurt' in the context of this poem, is talking openly, honestly and frankly about what makes us tick; but we NEVER hit below the belt (that is when it hurts!) We respect each other and are best friends.We've used this technique exclusively since we got married in our teens decades ago. We just say it like it is to each other. But it is NEVER dealt out in a mean spirit.
Man 2d
I cannot tell you
The remedy to your emptiness,
But I can share with you
That of a treatment of mine.
It can be hearing of progress
On any front
In the forms of beautiful ideas
And new expressions,
The world of us humans.
Of newfound love
In many kinds of companionship
Whether by person or by animal,
Or even by plant.
Of new discovery
Which betters our understanding
About the fundamentals of the universe,
Like walking in the wild;
Cherishing all that is natural.

Being a humble observer
In the courts of law
Under honorable nature.

Just by being an animal.
What better manger is not a freer forest?
In you, Oh Lord, I take comfort
In you, Oh Lord, I find rest
In you, Oh Lord, I take refuge
As you hold me to your chest

When I am weary and tired
And the sky is cold and gray
When I'm feeling uninspired
Then I see to feel you say:

I am with you in the silence
I walk beside you in the wild
I know the pain and heartache
And the void of losing a child

I have come to make it known
You are loved and not alone
I have come to restore and heal
And, to this end, I act with zeal

Offer your cross for others' good
That your sorrow might bring relief
By virtue of that knotted wood
Amen, I tell you: I will give you peace
Peace be with you! Peace, I leave you, my peace I give to you.
Do not be afraid, but trust in me.
Amen, I say to you: happy are those who believe and have not seen.
For surely, "Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and the evidence of things not seen".
And with Peace like a River; sweet peace of God, flow over me.
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