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tianna Nov 2020
Here you go again hurting me once more
Here you go again breaking my heart and letting it shatter
Here you go again telling me I was your everything, but treating me as if I was nothing
It’s so ****** how you waste love  
It’s really ****** how you waste my time, energy and emotions
I can’t deal with this any longer
My heart cannot take any more of this Hurt

I hope you never come back
I hope you never reach out to me again
I don’t want you anymore
I don’t love you anymore
You’re done
You’re history
So this is goodbye
It’s too late for your apologies
I will not allow myself to be hurt by you again
*Waste Love by Machine Gun Kelly
annh Oct 2020
Did she mean...did I see...did her veil part its gossamer filaments just for me?

▒░▒░▒░▒░▒░▒░▒░▒░▒░▒░ m e ░▒░▒░▒░▒░▒░▒░▒░▒░▒░▒
‘I always find it more difficult to say the things I mean than the things I don't.’
- W. Somerset Maugham, The Painted Veil
Miss Luna Oct 2020
You are
the best part
of my entire life
Raven Blue Oct 2020
Don't let other people define you;
Don't let the fear of perfections and failures;
Hold you back.
You will make mistakes;
But that is a part of growing.
Be who you are;
Don't give up.
To all the people who are losing hope,
Never quit, You can do it!
Amanda Kay Burke Oct 2020
Am I not deserving the truth?
Know how you actually feel?
Are you so desperate to hide from me?
Begging you to be real

Who are you underneath lies?
Best friend or simply a fraud?
Play such a convincing part
Tempted to applaud

Where you go without me
You leave me here alone
Is it so ******* difficult
Answering your ringing phone?

When did you start losing interest?
Was it there in the first place?
Was our relationship only a distraction?
Grew to take up too much space

What changed us into someone else?
Love used to be deep and so strong
Asked the question a million times
You refuse to tell me what I'm doing wrong

Why must you play games with my emotions?
Trust you break like a toy
Say one thing then do another
You're like every other boy

If you want
See other people
Why bother telling me you don't?
What good does getting my hopes up do?
Promising to do things you won't

Am I ugly?
Do I get on your nerves?
What is driving away?
Not too late to turn this around
Do you want me to stay?

How can you love yet rip my chest open?
Silence and the absence of your touch
Back and forth puzzle is driving me crazy
Can I stop loving you so much?
Haven't written a part to this series in quite some time.
ghost man Sep 2020
it's just a joke,
funny feeling lasts four hours
i didn't mean to let your dog run away
i just didn't know you had a dog.
vega Jul 2020
i’m so clumsy
i’m so full of
gasoline, and
stupider still as
i let you in
i let you win
and i let the
phosphate feel
like loving
when you sing
when you sting
i found it too
one more strike
before you begin
and you’re clumsy
oh, so clumsy
you’re so full of
broken things
and when i burned
i never knew
that i’d also become
a part of them.
Inspired by the song Clumsy by All Time Low.
Jennifer McCurry Jun 2020
Where the boulevard nears the bridge
Liesel stands with arms akimbo
Defiant posture deflecting whistles like bullets
And low ball offerings like marbles
She heard:
Toss her a nickel watch her shake like it's a dollar
In a pig's eye  
she roared
And spat hard for emphasis
Call her a *****
She might be persuaded  
If you smooth your tongue with velvet
And dip your fedora to hide it's fork
Her belly rumbles
It's hunger for a snack points peekaboo
Toes towards Harry's good time diner
10 cent burgers draw an unscrupulous crowd
Her pious snubs  
Of men who might fill her purse  
Have done little for a definite need of sustenance  
Though the fine slant of uppity *****  
Now lifting her little chin
Seems to have really brought out her aristocratic features
Buck whoops and haws
As she makes her appearace
He is a huge fan of Liesel' s posterior
And cannot wait for her stride past
A thought hits:
With her rumbling challenging haughty composure  
Feeling on the verge of fainted dead away
She snips:
Buck I'll let you pat me where I jiggle
For a five bag of burgers  
And a side of beans
Buck grinned ear to ear
And picking yellow feathers out of his teeth replied:
Liesel darlin
For that *** I should only buy you three
Part two the prelude
The video
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