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Nylee Jan 4
Grab my hand, barge in my fantasy land
Freak me in, freaked out me
It's like a convergence of parallel realities
Combined to be the one
Sunny side up, Moony side comes
Pacing with different lengths
Crossing roads, holding hands.
It's a plus score, to match wavelengths
Scheming and unscheming
Unscrewing and ******* up the plans
Now it is out of controlled ideology
what becomes of we.
Nylee Dec 2023
It's the season to wrap
the things that we are doing
and a chance glance to the back
Feel every accomplishment as a badge
And all the learnings coming along the way.

It's my poetry wrap
filling pages with words
With December blooming,
the secrets keep unfolding,
Its the spirit that lives and breathes
that it is a time to sit back and relax.

We've overdone ourselves
It's another wrap!
Nylee Nov 2023
Every indulgence
is a misery calling

regret closely following

it is a clear picture
of unending desire
no self control
life out of control.
Nylee Nov 2023
The hushed embrace of midnight's reign,
Where shadows dance and secrets hide,
I yearn for your presence, a beacon's flame,
Amidst the world's slumbering tide.

Like moths drawn to an alluring glow,
I seek your solace, your warmth's embrace,
In the depths of night, where emotions flow,
Misery finds comfort, a kindred face.

In this vast universe, where stars ignite,
Our bond endures, a celestial thread,
Like planets pirouetting in perfect light,
Our paths entwined, forever ahead.
Nylee Nov 2023
Effortless words, spoken with no efforts,
A miracle, it seems to me.
A fractured mind, adrift at sea,
Your presence drives me to insanity.

Hanging by a thread, very thin,
Chaos reigns within.
Should I bother, should I care?
Let the wind take you elsewhere.

A snarky voice, it whispers low,
In the darkness, where I go.
No need to impress, for all is lost,
My interest fades, like morning frost.

You linger near, a mystery,
A running commentary in my head.
Your words replay, like a haunting melody,
From different voices, I am misled.

Nothing feels right, nothing seems true,
You've driven me out of my mind with a beautiful view.
Nylee Nov 2023
why am i still living,
I sleep every night
with the thought of leaving
but it is a evident in morning,
When i wake up
there is no escaping indeed!!
Nylee Oct 2023
On a page
in a motion
I have conjured
the frightening emotion.
The lights were shut,
The eyes were wide awake
The world was about to feel
one final shake.

In the middle
the suspense builds,
filling in the absent fields.
The silent tone,
ice chilled bones,
The smoke came around
without the fire,
The door shut loud
with a bang.

The shrieks and
the gasps,
the noise of intake
loud to the ears,
listening to the footsteps
following my steps,
I look behind
the pitch black view,
hands ahead
looking for shape and size.

What is behind
is also in front!
The panicked flight,
in beat with the fright
catching on.
The rush out
the haunted room
in time with the first light,
morning rooms
no darkness looms.

The gates shut
with no feet in,
outside the town
passing by lawns,
fearing the dark
escaping the arc
carrying the lamp
for the coming night
no one out
on the starry light.
Nylee Oct 2023
Hope flickers faintly, like a candle's flame,
A whisper in the darkness, my inner name.
When I look around me, it is not the same,
Years passed, my childhood faint.
Somewhere near the grey pine tree,
I have this imprinted scenery,
I keep reminiscing the winter days,
I was a little happy kid, come what may.
Nylee Oct 2023
Sunlight streams through the window pane,
A golden glow, a warm embrace.
I close my eyes, for I cannot sustain
Such brilliance, such radiant grace.

Storms rage beyond the long shore,
Waves crashing, a thunderous roar.
Like life's challenges, they forevermore
Test our resolve, our inner core.

But we are strong, we are resilient,
Rooted in faith, our spirits valiant.
We devise plans, we find our way,
Freeing our minds, come what may.

Leaders falter, sow seeds of doubt,
But we will rise, turn our voices out.
We'll minimize conflict, seek harmony,
For glory lies in tranquility.
Nylee Oct 2023
Open the chambers of my mind,
Where memories are enshrined,
Some clear, some blurred, but all profound,
A tapestry of my lived life, unbound.

I watch them play, like reels on a screen,
A kaleidoscope of moments, unseen,
Some joyous, some sad, but all real,
The chapters of my life, they reveal.

From childhood days of carefree glee,
To teenage years of angst and spree,
To adulthood's trials and tribulations,
Each memory holds its own vibrations.

Though some may bring a tear to my eye,
I cherish them all, for they're a part of me.
For in the tapestry of my life,
Each memory plays a vital role, without strife
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