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Anna-Marie Rose Jun 2018
My favorite friend whose now my lover
Says kind things to  me all the time.
Its so uplifting and heartwarming
That he most the time it makes me blush.
Thats because when he says it is heartfelt!
My best friend and I have been friends going on almost a year I've helped him through a lot and he's helped me through a lot just recently as in the beginning of this month June 1st you're now officially a couple
Isabelle Apr 2017

All these related words..
The world will be more humane..
Be kind, just be, what you gonna lose?
Danika Apr 2017
they always say it isn’t a competition
but sometime it sure feels like it

two people have broken up with their girlfriends to date me
another one offered
maybe these aren’t compliments, but I guess I’ll take them as such
Jia Ming Apr 2017
The Compliment Disaster
Has left us in a daze.
A kindness comes a monster
And'll only lose us face.

Not one of greatest poets
Has stemmed from nonsense such
Who clouds their skills to write it—
The words that comes out ****!
This website becomes a compliment disaster.
Alaska Young Apr 2017
"You're tough", she said.
And I thought.
Am I tough because I really am
Or I'm tough because I've got no choice but to be one?
I hope I'm the former.
Chelsea Brooks Apr 2017
You're beautiful!
Your skin is so beautiful!

Those bullies are wrong, they've lied to you
Your skin is silky and smooth
It is dark as night
Where stars shine bright
Your skin is what makes!

Its deep cocoa hue
its glow

You ARE beautiful
You should know

People may bully you and tear you down
But they can never take away
What stands as truth

You are beautiful
Every part of you
The words are basic, but that have much meaning for me.
As a kid I was always complimented on my skin by adults, but I grew up being made fun of for my skin color all the time by my peers, and know young teens who are constantly bullied for it. We all have beauty...and learning to love it makes life so much better!
Al Apr 2017
Who knows how I'd gotten the courage,
or where it came from?
But somehow, I found myself on the stage
Mic in hand
Palms sweating
My toes tapping nervously on the wooden floor.
I didn't have anything prepared.
Just half-formed shower thoughts,
and the hope that I'd be good enough.
This was the start of a potential career,
or the end of one.
A career I'd dreamed of,
taken classes for,
watched videos and taken extensive notes for.
A career that occupied my thoughts with the constant
"Could I do that?"
I did my bit, mostly with my eyes focused above the heads of the crowd,
and I cataloged the responses.
Out of 6 jokes,
I got two half-hearted chuckles,
and one almost complete laugh.
I bombed.
As I walked back to my car,
your hand tapped my shoulder just once.
Firm, but hesitant.
"I liked your bit. You've got some potential."
"I took some notes, if you want them."
I'd seen your stuff on youtube,
recognized you immediately,
fought back the star-struck numbness of my mind
and said "Thanks, I'd love them."
Before you turned away, you gave me one last comment.
"Maybe I'll be opening for you in a few years."
I think I'm pretty fun, which is generally a pretty good sign that I'm not.
Lydia Apr 2017
"I don't feel strong enough."
"Well, at least you have a flat stomach."
Let's damage each other
Let's replace another meal with a bottle of water or unsweetened tea
Let's pray to be beautiful
Let's sit in five minute planks and run five miles and hope we throw up
Let's pretend that I've eaten three meals today, or yesterday, or the day before
Let's define myself by calories and carbohydrates and questionable decisions
Let me rot from my bone marrow to my skin which are just inches apart
Let me fade away until I am reborn

But I'm lucky and so the story doesn't end there
I left the scale under the cabinet
I went for a run because I love to feel my feet on the ground
I came home and ordered takeout
I'm not going to let my body rot
I've chosen life
I've chosen to be whole and real again
My girlfriend can touch me because I am more than skin and bones
I am more than a statistic
And I will always pray to be beautiful
But I will never starve to death.
This seemed like it was supposed to be a positive and inspirational prompt, but I've always had trouble accepting compliments and I've always had trouble feeling good enough so I thought that this would be more meaningful and true to who I am. Please comment :)
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